Page 29 - DistanceLearning
P. 29

Periodically, at our Emma C. Attales Middle                                                   The Grandson Thought About
        School, we will hold Attales Family Meetings                                                 It For A Minute And Then Asked

        where we gather the entire school into the At-                                                       His Grandfather:
                                                                                                    “Grandfather, Which Wolf Wins?...”
        tales gym. These Attales Family Meetings are a great time to get
        together as a family and discuss the good that is happening in our school.
        Teachers give “shout outs” to their students and fellow staff members. Stu-                 The Old Cherokee Simply Replied,
        dents have the ability to acknowledge the efforts staff members are making                      “The One That You Feed”
        on their behalf. These meetings set the tone for students in terms of what
        we expect from them including their ability to be an inspiration to others
        through something as simple as a smile or kind word or positive attitude.   During our Attales Family meetings, we take time to “feed the good wolf”
        These meetings allow us to “feed the good wolf” in our school. If you’re not   in our school. We look for and recognize the positive things going on
        familiar with the “feed the good wolf” philosophy, it relates to an old story:  in our lives and in our school among our staff and students. But when
                                                                                 COVID19 hit and our school closed, these meetings were in jeopardy
                                One Evening, An Elderly                          of being a thing of the past. I didn’t want this to happen so I started my
                                                                                 “Family Meeting Friday” video messages. Every Friday, I put together a
                               Cherokee Brave Told His                           video message for my students and staff to keep them motivated. Two
                             Grandson About A Battle That                        video messages in particular had a positive impact on our Attales Family.
                                Goes On Inside People.                           For my 4/3/20 video message, I decided to have my staff send me vid-
                                                                                 eos of them encouraging our students. I put these videos together for my
                                                                                 Friday “Family Meeting Friday” video message on 4/3/20.
                             He Said “My Son, The Battle Is                      This video message was well received by our families and

                          Between Two Wolves Inside Us All.                      students. You can view this 4/3/20 video message here:
                                One Is Evil. It Is Anger,                        For the following week, I started to wonder if I could have the same pos-
                                Envy, Jealousy, Sorrow,                          itive impact on my staff. I worked with my PTO to secretly get the mes-
                                                                                 sage out to our students that I wanted them to send me videos of them
                               Regret, Greed, Arrogance,                         encouraging our staff. Our staff has been outstanding throughout this

                              Self-pity, Guilt, Resentment,                      distance learning experience and I wanted them to know that their efforts
                              Inferiority, Lies, False Pride,                    were appreciated, not only by administration, but also by our students and
                                                                                 parents/guardians. Slowly but surely, students started to send me videos
                                 Superiority, And Ego.                           of them thanking our staff and encouraging our staff to keep up the good
                                                                                 work. I then took these video clips and created my “Fam-
                                                                                 ily Meeting Friday” video message for 4/10/20. The staff
                                  The Other Is Good.                             loved it. You can view this 4/10/20 video message here:
                         It Is Joy, Peace, Love, Hope Serenity,                  I will continue to make these “Family Meeting Friday” video messages

                           Humility, Kindness, Benevolence,                      for the duration of our closure but these two particular video messages
                                 Empathy, Generosity,                            from 4/3/20 and 4/10/20 were truly special to our Attales Family.
                            Truth, Compassion, And Faith.”                       If you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Thank
                                                                                 you for doing this project.

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