Page 27 - DistanceLearning
P. 27

As a first year principal, this experience has
        provided me with a laser focus on my educa-

        tional philosophy and priorities. And I’ve quickly
        learned that I do not like being a cloud-based principal — I pre-
        fer brick and mortar. But what I can do as a cloud-based princi-
        pal is remain connected to my staff and families, and reinforce
        my students’ identities as growing learners. When this time has
        passed, and it will, I hope my students return to our building with
        a renewed sense of connection and commitment to our purpose.
        Proud Patriots are always respectful, curious and productive.
        I am working on accomplishing this mission through the following
        communication strategies:
        1.  Weekly Friday Messages - These are end-of-week messag-
            es I create based on the feedback received from teachers,
            students and parents. The themes change, but are forward-fo-
            cused and positive.                                                                 Weekly Friday Messages
        2.  Parent Newsletters - The value of the newsletter has in-
            creased since the closure. This format allows us to celebrate
            our identity, reinforce priorities, bring a little levity to parents,
            as well as educate and share resources. (I also send weekly
            newsletters to staff for those same purposes.)

        3.  Week-in-Review Videos - Teachers and parents share pho-
            tos each week that reflect our online learning and school spirit
            days. These photos are used to create videos that are shared
            both in the newsletter and pushed out into Google Classrooms
            on Monday. Families have expressed that they look forward
            to viewing the videos together and feel a sense of connection
            with our school as a result.

        I am convinced that the connections we create with our students
        and their families will yield increased engagement, both within our
        cloud-based school and later, back in our brick and mortar build-
        ing. The relationships we sustain during this time of separation
        supports both the academic needs of our students, as well as the
        social emotional needs of our families. Human connection and                            Parent Newsletters
        relationships have never been more important.

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