Page 22 - DistanceLearning
P. 22

even developed social emotional programs for our school’s fourth             Your messages hit home with all of us and makes us feel
        and fifth grade students that I deliver in their classrooms on a             safe and connected to our Hawes community.”
        weekly basis (when we are in school). I have now taken those                 “We moved to US from Turkey 3,5 years ago, so unfortu-
        messages and that approach, and brought it all to the whole                  nately I don’t know much about Fred Rogers, but I read
        school via a daily video message.                                            about him and watched a documentary. I think your efforts

        I have been told by many families that their days begin with my              are a very good example of his legacy.”
        message. And yes, I have been repeatedly told that I conjure up in       It has been wonderful to connect in this small way with all. At
        many of the adults memories of Mr. Rogers (sometimes, I assume,          school, I am a constant presence in the lives of the kids. I brought
        because I talk about him) but more, I believe, because my mes-           that presence online and through technology to them.
        sages are sincere and directed and spoken at the child’s level. I try
        to relate to the world, always, as they see it.                          I was feeling disconnected so I reached out, in my own way, to
                                                                                 my school community - to the kids. And it has worked. We have
        Since the videos are posted on youtube, I am getting feedback            stayed connected while being forced apart.
        from families in different schools, some in different states.            Sometimes I ask the kids to send photos which I put on Twitter.
        In a small way, I am helping to make this whole schooling from           Sometimes I just smile and tell them that I’ll “see” them tomorrow.
        home experience normal and not scary. I try to make it normal and        Whatever is said, and whatever comes across, it is a message of
        okay, while also sharing my own thoughts, concerns, and fears            caring and support and love.
        while also delivering a positive message. And yes, I most often do
        tell the kids that I love them ... because I do.                         The children may not remember what I say, but they will remember
                                                                                 that I cared.
        The kind words that come back, never get old:                            The key during this time, as I tell my teachers regularly, is to make
            “Great video! I sent it to my mom. She was actually neigh-           personal connections with the children and families. Yes, we have
            bors with Mr. Rogers as a kid in Pittsburgh. She says you            a curriculum to teach, but, especially as we are separated (but re-
            “captured Freddy’s spirit!”                                          ally always) the most important teaching that goes on in any class-
            “Morning Doctor, just wanted to commend you for your                 room is the teaching that comes from the heart. Children don’t
            morning messages to the kids. I enjoyed standing for the             often remember specific lessons, but they remember the teachers
            pledge of allegiance each morning.”                                  and the people who touched their hearts, made them believe in
            “Just saw your morning video. Nice work. Great concrete              themselves, and inspired them. That is what great teachers do.
            and cheerful, but real and immediate messaging to the kids.          They inspire.
            Warms my heart to see you in a role you have been clearly            And I found a way, through a simple daily video message, to help
            meant to do as your calling.”                                        inspire a school community, and even people beyond that.

            “Whenever I watch the morning message videos, I feel our             I know, in a small way, how Mr. Rogers felt.
            kids are so lucky to have you as their principal. Thank you
            so much!”                                                            And it feels great.

            “Hope all is well. Our whole family is enjoying your videos.         (I’d write more, but I have a video to record...)

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