Page 21 - DistanceLearning
P. 21

As a principal, I begin each day with a very                             I received countless emails with

        brief announcement over the PA system wel-                               words of thanks and praise.           I received countless emails
                                                                                 Somehow, by talking to a cam-         with words of thanks
        coming the children to school and encouraging  era phone, I had helped bring                                   and praise. Somehow,
        them to be positive, kind, and hard working. I                           some calm and peace and               by talking to a camera
        usually sum up these ideals with a simple statement, “Let’s Make         normalcy to the kids. I helped, in    phone, I had helped bring
        Today... A Great Day.”                                                   a small way, to make this scary       some calm and peace
        I truly believe that we each have the power within ourselves to          new life a little better.             and normalcy to the kids. I
        make our days good ones, bad ones, terrible ones, or great ones.         I am one who thrives on positiv-      helped, in a small way, to
                                                                                                                       make this scary new life a
        Our days often depend on how we, ourselves, react to the situa-          ity. I believe goodness begets
        tions before us. We can look to the good. Or not. We can see chal-       more goodness. Thriving on the        little better.
        lenges as chances to grow. Or not. We can see disagreements as           positive response, I figured that
        chances to understand another person’s perspective, and honestly         I would make another video for the next day.
        share our own. Or not.                                                   The positive reactions continued. So as to not burden my son on a
        I choose to try to always look for the good, because there is so         daily basis filming his dad, always in a suit and tie as if he were at
        much good to see and to find. This is especially true if one works       school (that is, of course, how the students picture me), I learned
        in a school - a place filled with teachers and students. A school        how to use computer programs like Screencastify to record myself.
        is a building that overflows with good on a daily basis. (Especial-      (We learn how to do things, most often, not when we are forced to,
        ly my school, one of the most wonderful anywhere. But that’s a           but when the need presents itself.) I brought my videos to new lo-
        different story.)                                                        cations in my home. And around my property. The messages went
        Early on in the lockdown, I recorded a brief audio message for the       from just a minute or two to many minutes. I talked to the kids
                                                                                 about the weather, about toys, about caring, and thanks - appre-
        students that I sent over the e-mail system to all homes. It was         ciation, kindness, and so much more. I used nature and the toys
        brief, short, as always. I welcomed them all to school and said,         and such to help deliver these important messages to the kids.
        “Let’s Make Today A Great Day.” (We also, of course, recited the
        Pledge of Allegiance.) I soon realized that the words were not           My Morning Messages are not scripted. I develop an idea and
        enough. (A terrific teacher also encouraged me to do more.)              speak right into the computer’s camera, as if I were looking at
        I asked my college-aged son, now taking his neuroscience courses         each child and talking directly to them. And I speak from the heart.
        at Lafayette College online, at home, to film me delivering a short      The filmmaking process hasn’t been easy. Sometimes a five minute
        video message to the kids from our home. We found a good spot, a         message takes me quadruple that time as I stumble over words,
        small stairway in the entrance foyer, and we commenced filming. As       make mistakes, and have to start again and again from scratch.
        I always do when I speak to children, I spoke from the heart.            I’ve filmed these, at times late in the evening, after an exhausting
        We sent the video out to the school community. I figured it would        day. (Principaling remotely is not easy. It’s often a 24/7 job.) It’s not
                                                                                 always easy. (But good things aren’t supposed to be easy.)
        bring a smile. Maybe a laugh. It brought more than that. The re-
        ception was unbelievably positive.                                       I have always been a principal who works to inspire my school
                                                                                 - the kids, the staff, and the community. I always speak from the
                                                                                 heart. I visit classrooms regularly to read to the kids and have

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