Page 19 - DistanceLearning
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The 2019-2020 academic year started in Sep- connects home and school in
tember much like any other — students enter- a completely different way. During the extended school
closure, it has become quite
ing the school building, laughing with friends, Parents, staff, and students clear how valuable com-
alike have commented on
waving to teachers and Ms. Elizabeth Dunn how important this weekly munity, school, and student
(Building Principal), walking to their class- broadcast has become in engagement is to helping
our students continue to
rooms to begin the school day with the live helping to maintain a sense grow academically, socially,
of familiarity to what “was,”
streaming morning broadcast called LBTV while also allowing transition- and emotionally.
news, hosted and produced by 5th grade stu- ing to what “is” and what “will
dents at Lawrence Brook Elementary School be.” Students enjoy seeing their teachers and peers talk about
ways that they are coping with feelings and learning at home by
in East Brunswick, New Jersey. Throughout the connecting with nature during Earth Day, competing in virtual
building, one could hear students simultaneously reciting the Field Day activities, sharing staff “we are thinking of you” wishes
Pledge of Allegiance, cheering for a classmate’s birthday, prac- through dance and song, or completing service learning projects
ticing a new strategy on mindfulness, and calling out together the to give back to our essential workers. Now, more than ever, tradi-
school theme “Be the Best You Can Be Lawrence Brook” at the tional learning takes on a whole new adventure through outside
closure of the episode. This well-established routine signaled the the classroom experiences.
start to a school day that enhanced school climate, school culture During the extended school closure, it has become quite clear how
and a feeling of togetherness. valuable community, school, and student engagement is to helping
Fast forward to March 2020 when transitioning to distance learn- our students continue to grow academically, socially, and emotion-
ing led to reenvisioning what LBTV would now become. Through ally. It is our goal that the Lawrence Brook School community will
creativity, collaboration, and a sheer desire to keep students, staff, take away a sense of “togetherness” from this pandemic. School
and families feeling connected, LBTV Home Editions were born. staff members will do what it takes to ensure that laughter, love,
Each week, a video is produced through co-advisors Mrs. Aanika safety, and positivity during an uncertain time is what our students
Boylan (Media Specialist) and Ms. Rachel Weitzenkorn (Student will remember most about their time of distance learning.
Assistance Specialist/SAS), with a script written by many members
of the staff to include typical components of the broadcast--staff and
student birthdays, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the district Peace
Pledge. The LBTV student crew participates in pre-recorded videos View LBTV Episodes 8 and 9
from home that are included in the broadcast. The broadcast also
includes Special Announcements, which highlight special school
climate virtual programs from Kindergarten to Fifth grade, health
and wellness tips from Ms. Stephanie Dreher (School Nurse) and
the SAS, and student videos or “aha” moments. Teachers and
students proudly share that LBTV has become much more vital to
keeping communication on-going and hopeful, through a media that