Page 17 - DistanceLearning
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what they call ‘protective factors.’ They write, “Greater conscious- With the ongoing growth of teacher
ness and more compassion in a school community can lead to practices and willingness to adapt Not only has a strong
increased protective factors to counteract what is missing for so with layers of support, the transi- emphasis on SEL and
many students as they experience unthinkable trauma and stress. tion to remote learning was more the implementation of
Protective factors such as having a caring adult to turn to, teaching seamless, allowing us to leverage our mindfulness curric-
consciousness and compassion in schools, strengthening an array technology to enhance student en- ulum led to our remote
of social connections and providing parents concrete support in gagement. It is recognized that most learning success, our
times of need help combat trauma and stress.” The school coun- people believe there is no interaction continued execution
selor continues to be of the utmost importance to students and between a child and a screen, but of blended learning
families by providing individual and small group sessions, as well by utilizing resources and scaffold- practices has been
as resources meant to support during closure. ing experiences, it allows for a level critical.
Maintaining the consistent layers of support from school to home of engagement that motivates stu-
allows students to feel the structure and security once felt within the dents. Teachers are continuing small group instruction, holding book
walls of the school, fostering feelings of community connection. Just club discussions, and proceeding with core concepts within the cur-
as teachers stood at the door greeting their students each morning, riculum utilizing Zoom and Screencastify. With the break-out feature
staff now use various social emotional check-in strategies through- within the Zoom platform, teachers are fostering student-centered
out the remote learning model. Some classes start their remote discussions by implementing accountable talk and activating social
learning day by identifying an emotional state using words and accountability. Students are learning real world skills, such as how
pictures, informing teacher check-ins daily. This also gives students to give specific feedback to one another in alternative forms, by
a chance to acknowledge their emotions and increase their level of utilizing Flipgrid and the comment feature on Google apps. Weekly
awareness with teacher guidance. Similarly, some classes use a reflection and goal setting continues to be critical as students prog-
previously taught breathing technique called Take 5 to set a tone of ress along social emotional and academic learning continuums.
calm that they can carry with them throughout their virtual learning Student and teacher engagement with various technology tools (ie.
day. Previously learned mindful strategies and SEL activities are Flipgrid, Padlet, Screencastify, Google apps) mirror a personalized
also shared regularly with students and families through Mindful approach evident in a Catena classroom environment.
Monday, Wellness Wednesday and Flex Friday communications. Now more than ever, schools are modeling the importance of
Not only has a strong emphasis on SEL and the implementation cultivating resilience, adapting to change and tending to the social
of our mindfulness curriculum led to our remote learning success, and emotional needs of students. We are learning that technolo-
our continued execution of blended learning practices has been gy is a vehicle upon which our academic and social connections
critical. Since 2014, with coaching from our K-5 technology coor- may take flight, leading us into the future of teaching and learning.
dinator, teachers have learned to effectively blend technology into The significance of community connections, in conjunction with a
daily classroom experiences. With a solid foundation in technology blended learning approach, has never shone more brightly as we
integration, a variety of coaching methods supported teachers with give students roots to grow and wings to fly.
the shift to remote learning. Additional professional development
opportunities were offered virtually, a library of digital resourc- References:
es curated, and the collaborative coaching relationship afforded
teachers the opportunity to extend learning. Mindfulness Practice by Christine Mason, Michele M. Rivers
Murphy and Yvette Jackson 2019 Solution Tree Press