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Social Emotional Learning and Technology

        Integration: A Two-Pronged Approach to Student

        Engagement in a Remote Learning Setting

        By Heather Mosenson, Third Grade Teacher; Laura Cecilione, Supervisor; Colleen

        LaSalle, Technology Integration Coordinator; Taylor Potts, Fourth Grade Teacher;

        Traci Shaw, Principal, Joseph J. Catena Elementary School Freehold Township

        As schools across the country and through-                               in fostering character development, mindfulness curriculum, and

        out the world grapple with the challenges                                social skills have resulted in student motivation and engagement
                                                                                 with teachers and peers through online portals. As students be-
        brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic,                                  come accustomed to this new way of learning and communicating,
        administrators and educators are tasked with                             we are seeing students pull from their social and emotional learn-

        evaluating existing pedagogy and reimagining                             ing toolkits and use those strategies to ground themselves in their
                                                                                 academics. Additionally, respectful, responsible, and safe PBS
        the academic landscape through the lens of                               expectations have been adapted for at-home learning mirroring

        remote learning. While the path forward remains largely                  school behavioral accountability and student recognition.
        unknown, schools are faced with steadying themselves upon                Students are continuing to offer feedback to their peers, engage in
        foundations laid prior to the pandemic. At Joseph J. Catena              class discussions, and complete online learning assignments with
        School, we began the 2019-2020 school year posing a question:            enthusiasm and vigor. We believe that having placed a strong em-
        What if you Fly? This theme shed light on the resilience and             phasis on PBS, SEL and mindfulness through programs such as
        grit we hoped to instill in our students as we encourage them to         Mindful Kids, Social Skills Club, Morning Meeting, Lunch Bunch,
        strengthen their growth mindset.                                         Restorative Circles, etc., has allowed for our students to thrive in a
        Indeed, the success of remote learning relies heavily upon the           remote learning environment.
        previously implemented approaches taken toward fostering con-            The SEL curriculum’s aim to equip students with coping mecha-
        nections with students and families. We have found that a strong         nisms for difficult emotions and strategies for cultivating healthy
        emphasis on social and emotional learning (SEL) has led to a             relationships provides students with the tools necessary to move
        greater investment on the part of students in remote learning. A         through a changing and unsettling world. Mason et al. (2019) fur-
        foundation in Positive Behavior Support (PBS) expectations rooted  ther described the role of compassion in increasing the power of

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