Page 5 - DistanceLearning
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The power of an established Professional Learn- of their curriculum within their
ing Community (PLC) has demonstrated its PLCs. This process was not a From early on within the
distance learning process,
daunting task, as it is routinely
strength through multiple means during our practiced through the ongoing teachers supported one
current distance learning experience. A teacher analysis of assessment data of another with the sharing of
leader-facilitated PLC, coupled with utilizing components of the Con- our students. It has truly become technological applications
nected Action Roadmap (CAR) framework, has allowed for a smooth commonplace, whether they are and slightly adjusting their
transition to distance learning instruction, analysis and action with the physically or virtually arranged, “normal” methods of instruc-
curriculum, and continuous professional learning and support. for teachers to review and modify tion to those solely focused
As an “original CAR Pilot School”, we already had in place PLCs and all aspects of their “living” curricu- with online instruction.
lum documents. We are hopeful
aspects of the CAR framework for many years. These actions were at that these actions will benefit the learning needs of our students, not
school in a physical setting...What occurs once you are not all together just for this academic year, but also in preparation for next year and
physically and your entire world is shifted to a virtual format? for years to come.
At the Caroline L. Reutter School, everyone has worked together to Through my shared leadership method, the overall success of the
create even stronger PLCs and instructional frameworks. Our teach- school is based upon the professional practices of all academic teams
er leaders have been the “glue” between administration and teachers, and educators. The frequent communication and decision making
further analyzing and modifying the curriculum, and the development and responsibilities between administration and our school’s leadership
sharing instructional practices to benefit all students. committee has enabled teacher leaders to prosper in various aspects
From early on within the distance learning process, teachers sup- of the profession. Working together, not separate, has been a notion
ported one another with the sharing of technological applications and that resonates among our PLCs and within the school itself. We have
slightly adjusting their “normal” methods of instruction to those solely all realized, especially with our current situation, that we must work in
focused with online instruction. Teachers were free to share, assist, a cohesive unit rather than on an isolated island to benefit ourselves
and create instructional elements for one another in order to benefit as well as our colleagues and all students. The CAR framework has
all students within the school. Moreover, teachers have created a mapped out a path for all educators to navigate the wild terrain that
plethora of professional learning video tutorials on how to integrate confronts us; all with the ability to prevail and make it to the finish line.
further aspects of technology and pedagogical elements into their As we continue with distance learning and an uncertain “new normal”
classrooms. Our collective efforts have also contributed an equitable in education, the usefulness of collaborative communication among
educational experience for all of our students as educators across all educators will be paramount. We will need to reflect, share best prac-
academic levels work collaboratively in order to design, implement, tices, and support one another. The CAR Framework has been an
and support instructional design. There has been an “open door” to extremely valuable element within our school for more than six years.
everyone’s classrooms, as all members of the faculty across every Nobody would have ever imagined the challenges that we are now
academic team has supported one another over this experience. faced with, however, the CAR Framework has been the solid base
As it became clearer that we would be in a prolonged absence from that allows us to navigate these uncharted areas. Now, even more
our physical school setting, teacher leaders focused on an analysis of than ever, we are able to clearly see how CAR can truly be a univer-
the curriculum to target the instruction of primary and secondary skill sal framework that contributes to maintaining effective schools and
sets within their online classrooms. Working collaboratively, all edu- building student success.
cators easily made recommendations to modify and enhance aspects