Page 7 - DistanceLearning
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When Covid-19 precipitated the closure of return. When we first shared our
schools across New Jersey and the United pipe dreams with each other, With less than one month
before the grand cere-
we were surprised by the unity
States, it threatened the traditional rhythm of of commitment. Through this mony, it all came to a
springtime concerts and year-end celebra- unity, came shared purpose and halt. The shock of it all,
tions. These events are eagerly awaited by parents, earnestly common effort. the virus, the closure, the
uncertainty, the proximi-
deserved by students, and elaborately planned by teachers and But even if the schools would ty of a distance learning
advisors. They constitute the end of the school year, and for Se- reopen before the end of the reality, it was all so surreal.
niors, the end of their high school journey and the passage into a year, the idea of gathering in an
new chapter of their lives. auditorium seemed inappropri-
The work of the World Language Honor Societies advisors at Spar- ate and even a little scary. How could we recognize the students?
How would society officers lead the pledges and affirm their
ta High School begins in mid-September. The advisors review the oaths? Could we distribute cords? and cards? and plaques? and
requirements for the French, German, Spanish and Russian organi- certificates? How could we share these moments with mothers,
zations, update the rosters of eligible students, obtain the approvals fathers, siblings and grandparents? And how do we not try to find
of the Board of Education. The language teachers organize student answers to these questions?
tutors and train student facilitators for our elementary school World
Language Club. The students accumulate sweat equity investing in As we began to contemplate the challenges, the pace of the
tutoring peers or creating cultural and language-infused games for collaboration between teacher and administrator quickened. We
the 4th and 5th grade students. Potential new members begin to began to leverage our newfound technical abilities developed
earn credit toward recognition as members of the Honor Societies. through necessity to formulate a virtual induction ceremony.
As the year progressed, our German students prepared to share Through a combination of Google Meet, smartphone apps, email
approvals, editing software, Loom presentations, Superintendent
their voices at the Christmas German Market on Lake Mohawk and contributions, Principal support and multiple YouTube tutorials,
our Russian students practiced their speeches for the Olympiada many of our questions were resolved.
competition. Seniors qualified for the Seal of Biliteracy and Fresh-
men continued to explore careers pathways in the languages. Les- As we began the work of converting our real-world, realtime pro-
sons were taught, assessments administered, and scores tabulated; gram into an asynchronous, virtual ceremony, our department be-
the seeds were sown and a new crop of qualified language learners gan to mobilize around our plan. The work began as the language
prepared to apply for the World Language Honor Societies. advisors distributed the oaths and the officers began to write
With less than one month before the grand ceremony, it all came speeches. The students became aware of the opportunity and the
teachers heeded the call.
to a halt. The shock of it all, the virus, the closure, the uncertainty,
the proximity of a distance learning reality, it was all so surreal. Over the course of one week, four separate student honor society
The needs of our students, families and community brought us meetings were recorded. The students recited their pledges and
back to reality as we began to see feigned nerves across a Goo- blew out smartphone candles to seal their oath. The Superinten-
gle Meet session or hear the trepidation in a voice-recorded as- dent greeted viewers and the Principal acknowledged the sacrifice
signment. How could we bring back a little humanity in a learning of the parents, the dedication of the students and the hard work of
environment now devoid of human contact? the teachers. The supervisor arranged for every teacher to share
In isolation, both supervisor and advisors had determined that a special congratulatory message and heartfelt well wishes to
their current and former students. And everyone had an excuse to
an induction ceremony needed to happen despite uncertainty of comb their hair and wear clothes other than pajamas. It felt good.