Page 9 - DistanceLearning
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Oftentimes, you don’t appreciate the value of some the reward. As I write
what you had until it’s gone. Perhaps that is true this, the waters are rough, the During my second year as
principal, I came across a
challenges significant, and the
more now than ever before. If we focus on what is behind us, we risks terrifying. Behind us the saying that I have pinned
can feel empty with all that was taken for granted in all aspects of water looks so tranquil and part up on the bulletin board
our life. During my experience in education — as a public school of each of us would love to turn near my desk to this day.
student and as a public school educator — I have always taken for away and go back. But we can’t The African proverb reads,
granted that children would be in the classroom with caring profes- and we shouldn’t. “Smooth seas do not
sionals who would nurture their hearts first and then their minds. I make skillful sailors.”
have always taken for granted that teachers would see the expres- The current situation of the
sions of accomplishment, gratitude, and wonder on their students’ pandemic and the advent of
faces. I have always taken for granted that being together as a Distance Learning presents a host of challenges and all at the
school community meant being together physically. same time. While these challenges transcend education and
In the middle of March 2020, that changed. Much about the world impact many aspects of society, they cannot be ignored. Even the
most basic foundations of public education, such as seeing the
that I knew and that my students knew changed. How we greet, how students in the classroom each morning to gauge how they are
we express love for our families, how we shop, how we stay safe, doing and being able to use teacher observation of students com-
and how we teach changed in an instant. The calm seas behind us pleting classwork to know how to proceed have changed. And yet,
seemed a distant memory as we moved into a tempest of turbulent the public educators of New Jersey adapt by finding innovative
seas, of waves shifting the deck underneath our feet. New Jersey ways to interact with students and engage them in learning.
public school educators faced a choice. To succumb and admit defeat
or to shift weight, rebalance and begin to normalize movement of our I thank you. I thank you for being the wonderful educators that you
ship despite the challenging environmental conditions. have always been. And more importantly, I thank you for seizing
As I thought about how to speak to the hearts of dedicated ed- this moment to develop new sailing skills on these rough waters.
I am proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with you as we navigate
ucators at my school, I wanted to acknowledge the continuous together. I am proud to see you become a more skilled sailor. I am
challenges of the situation even though they are far from over. I proud to see you also take time to assist colleagues in developing
wanted to ensure individuals would not fatigue from the constant their skills. The larger truth is that skillful sailors do not just need
stress of trying to right the ship as the swells grow larger and more rough waters to grow their skills, they need each other. We need
treacherous. I wanted to encourage a moment of reflection in the each other now even more than before. I encourage you to take a
middle of the storm. minute to reflect on how the necessity of this situation has grown
During my second year as principal, I came across a saying that I you as an educator and how it has grown your sense of team.
have pinned up on the bulletin board near my desk to this day. The Collaborating and working together in times of adversity is not a
African proverb reads, “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” weakness; it is the application of a strength.
It spoke to me at a time when I felt overwhelmed by the demands Though we will reach calm waters again, the skills you have ac-
of situations beyond my control. A time when it felt like I had lost quired and developed during this time will be yours forever. We will
my bearings and sense of balance. A time like now. outlive the storm with our collective skill enhanced. So, be proud
Experienced educators know that each challenge you face pres- as an accomplished New Jersey public educator. Be proud as we
ents you with an opportunity for growth. The bigger the challenge, sail on together.
the bigger the opportunity. The bigger the risk, the more hand-