Page 65 - DistanceLearning
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During our school closure, I’ve been host-                             NJASP Supports School Psychologists
        ing “Virtual Town Hall” meetings with par-                             By Eli Freund, President, New Jersey Association of School
        ents via Zoom. I essentially do one morning and
        one evening session every other week, all are welcome.                 The New Jersey Association of School Psychol-
        I share what’s happening in our remote learning classes                ogists (NJASP) understood the plight that our
        and they can ask questions or share concerns. I’ve also                members were in once it was decided that school
        been zooming with teachers of course, both formally and                doors had to shut, and schools had to be virtual.
        informally for faculty meetings and “spring break happy                What would evaluating students look like? Are there ethical standards
        hour” but the parent meetings have been very well-re-                  that may be at play? Therefore, NJASP developed a position paper in-
        ceived and helpful in maintaining a strong and positive                cluding a FAQ and sent it out to our contacts so that school psychologists
        school community!                                                      would be able to refer to.

               - Christine McCoid, Principal, Hazlet Middle School             NJASP also developed a Wakelet which is continuously updated with
                                                                               information and resources to provide ideas, articles, DOE information.
                                                                               NJASP has a discussion board for our members who have questions or
                                                                               are looking to share what their district is doing.
                                                                               Finally, NJASP hosts webinars to provide best practices on evaluating
                                                                               students, developing IEPs, dyslexia and so on.
                                                                               This is a difficult time for all of us, students and adults alike. However,
                                                                               there is a tremendous amount of resiliency and flexibility that is being
                                                                               shown. At the same time there will be new questions about the return of
                                                                               students and teachers to schools. What will that look like? What about the
                                                                               mental health of the students, teachers and administrators? A committee
                                                                               was developed to provide answers to these questions and much more. The
                                                                               committee has developed a fantastic resource. It is entitled the  NJASP:
                                                                               Considerations forSchool Re-Entry duringCOVID-19: Supporting Social
                                                                               and Emotional Learning and Mental andBehavioral Health Upon School
                                                                               Re-Entry through a TraumaInformed, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
                                                                               (MTSS) Framework. It is worth including in your school reentry plan. As
                                                                               stated earlier, include your school psychologists into these discussions.
         Watchung Hills Regional High School put together a montage            They are a tremendous resource within your school and district.
         called WH Cares.                                                      The largest takeaway that from this historic event is this, we are ALL in this
                             - William Librera, Principal, Watchung Hills      together and NJASP is proud to be part of this.

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