Page 61 - DistanceLearning
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to someone else, it can provide an opportunity to ease some of  •  Develop a professional support network.
            those concerns, or to direct you in a direction to gain support          Teachers who are feeling worried, anxious or sad post
            for the concerns that are validated through your discussions.            Covid-19, should reach out to other professionals to communi-
        •  Parents should dedicate time for relaxation, too!                         cate their concerns. Sometimes, comfort is sought in knowing
            For parents, dedicating time to relax as you balance working             you are not alone in an emotional struggle, and having a net-
            and parenting may seem impossible with the added stress                  work of support during such times can help maintain a healthy
            post Covid-19 brings, but it is necessary in order to maintain           emotional state.
            a healthy emotional state. Set time aside to get lost in a good          The long lasting effects of Covid-19 are unavoidable and may
            book, or partake in yoga or meditation. Maybe relaxation is a            require lifestyle adjustments, but awareness is the first step in
            nice quiet walk or just sitting outside to get some air. Do what-        preparation for such changes. Being aware of your emotional
            ever relaxation looks and feels like to you, as long as you are          state and seeking out support strategies are a first line defense
            consistent in making it a priority to support your own well-being.       against falling victim to the post Covid-19 blues. Recognize
        In consideration of the possible effects teachers may experience             when you find yourself in a downward emotional state and
        post Covid-19, here are some strategies to support teachers so-              make it a priority to apply strategies to provide yourself with
        cially and emotionally as they transition.                                   emotional support. Keeping social ties with people you trust will
        •  Take time to get prepared and organized.                                  help you feel happy and safe. Remember, you are responsi-
                                                                                     ble for your own well-being, and you can use these resources
            Teachers tend to feel the most at ease when they have every-             to help yourself stay socially and emotionally victorious post
            thing ready and in order. Teachers should prepare for different          Covid-19.
            scenarios that may be a post Covid-19 reality, so that they can
            rest in knowing that they are prepared and ready for multiple
            possibilities. This will relieve some of the anxiety caused from
            feeling uncertain or unprepared.

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