Page 60 - DistanceLearning
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you otherwise would not. Communicating your fears and sad-               to soft music for a while. Some people find yoga to be helpful
            ness to an adult with whom you trust and feel safe with, can             or just sitting in silence. Find what works for you, and commit
            provide an opportunity for that adult to provide clarity and com-        to making sure you give your body and mind that special relax-
            fort. Whether it is fear of contracting the virus or sadness from        ation time.
            losing a loved one, it is important to let a trusted adult know      In consideration of the possible effects parents may experience
            where your emotional thermometer is set. Holding in your feel-       post Covid-19, here are some strategies to support parents social-
            ings will only limit your ability to feel better and to push forward   ly and emotionally as they transition.
            in a healthy emotional state.                                        •  Emulate the feelings you wish for your children to feel.
        •  Seek out your school counselors.                                          As parents, we feel best when we know our children are safe
            If you do not feel comfortable to express your concerns or feel-         and happy. If you want your children to feel safe and happy,
            ings with an adult at home, seek guidance from your school               then you need to show them that you, yourself, are feeling safe
            counselors. Your school counselors are specifically trained to           and happy. Your children will bounce off of the same energy
            help you feel better, and the counselor’s office is a “no judge-         they feel from you, so if you are displaying anxious, fearful
            ment zone!” Feel free to express to the counselors whatever is           behavior, then your children will feel the same. Emulate the
            weighing on your mind. Give the counselors an opportunity to             feelings you wish for your children to feel, so that you can take
            use their expertise to give you emotional support and guidance.          comfort in knowing they are in a good emotional state, which
        •  Allow natural socialization and peer connections to happen.               will in turn, support your own emotional state.

            As you come out of isolation and begin interacting with peers        •  Establish routines sooner, rather than later.
            again, try to do what comes naturally. It is ok to talk to your          It is safe to say that things may look and feel different post
            peers about your time in isolation, but try not to let that be “all”     Covid-19, and that is just fine. Make a conscious effort to
            you discuss with your peers. If you allow that topic to consume          quickly develop routines around the changes, in an effort to
            all your conversations, then your mind will continue to harbor           regain opportunities to socialize with family and friends, as well
            those feelings of fear, sadness or anxiety. As you are connect-          as to rebuild the confidence that may have been lost during the
            ing and building relationships with your peers, discuss things           uncertain times of Covid-19. Have your weekly visit with your
            like your most recent favorite musician or song, a funny show            best friend, or set up those Sunday afternoon playdates for
            you saw on television, a silly joke you heard, etc. Let natural          your children. Follow whatever guidelines are put in place, so
            conversations that make you feel good happen, and you will               that you feel confident that you and your family are safe, and
            see how your emotions become more positive.                              enjoy socializing and building relationships again!
        •  Dedicate time for relaxation.                                         •  Communicate feelings and concerns.

            It is no secret that stress and anxiety weigh heavy on the heart         During this transitional time, parents may find themselves
            and mind. When you feel these emotions, your muscles tense               feeling weary or uncertain about how the world functions post
            up which can lead to other health issues. It is extremely import-        Covid-19. Reach out and communicate how you are feeling
            ant to give those tensed up anxiety muscles a rest! Maybe you            to someone or more than one person who can listen and give
            will enjoy some form of meditation or closing your eyes to listen        you their perspectives. When you communicate your feelings

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