Page 59 - DistanceLearning
P. 59
In the aftermath of Covid-19, how can social ing and teaching their children at the
and emotional support be provided for stu- same time. As parents, it is natural to Being isolated from
peers and the ab-
feel protective and worried when there
dents, parents and teachers? There is a tremendous is a threat to your families’ health, and sence of socializing
amount of speculation regarding this topic, and an equal amount everyone deals with these feelings in could have an im-
of trepidation to be sure. What follows are some perspectives from their own way. The magnitude of such pact on a child’s
stakeholders regarding how students, parents and teachers have a threat can make anyone feel like emotional state, and
been affected, and possible strategies to support such effects. In the world as they have known it may can often cause a
an effort to provide social and emotional support as we venture never be the same, but as a parent, child to shut down.
towards the future, Superintendent Dr. James Pederson and As- you feel a sense of responsibility to try
sistant Principal Nicole Ward, partnered up to provide some clarity to protect your children from realizing such reality.
and support. They interviewed a small focus group including a va- Teachers had to quickly switch their craft as they had known and
riety of stakeholders consisting of both monolingual and bilingual planned, to a completely different system which eliminates in-per-
teachers, school counselors, child study team members, special son interactions. Cues, body language and facial expressions are all
education teachers, literacy coaches, principals, assistant princi- techniques used on a daily basis to check for student understanding
pals, a child psychologist and parents. The team studied patterns or to engage students in learning. Due to this pandemic, teachers
and researched possible strategies to support students, parents had to find ways to accomplish these things through a distance
and teachers as they face the post pandemic blues of Covid-19. learning system. Many teachers had to engage students in distance
Students had to abruptly get used to distance learning platforms, learning, while supporting their own children who were transitioning
while facing the fears of what was going on around them in the to a distance learning platform, as well. Teachers also had a respon-
world. Many children experienced sick family members or the loss sibility to check in on their students’ emotional well-being, and to
of family and friends, which could have caused anxiety and possi- work with school counselors to provide support for the students who
ble depression. The disruption of routine and familiarity may have found themselves falling into an emotionally dark place.
caused fear from not knowing what will come of all the confusion. In consideration of the possible effects students may experience
Depending on the child’s state of mind, it may have been difficult post Covid-19, here are some strategies to support students so-
for the child to process such unfamiliar emotions or to reach out cially and emotionally as they transition.
for help to address these feelings and emotions. In many cases,
there were adults in the household expressing their own fears and • Take breaks from news exposure.
anxieties, which may have caused the children in the home to feel The constant exposure of negative news, or news that makes
insecure and scared, no longer feeling safe in their environment. you feel anxious and unsafe, will only add to the related stress
Being isolated from peers and the absence of socializing could you are already experiencing. Make a conscious effort to take
have an impact on a child’s emotional state, and can often cause a breaks from such news, and give your mind and body a chance
child to shut down. to reboot.
Parents were juggling the responsibilities of parenting, working and • Communicate with an adult with whom you trust and feel
supporting their children with distance learning. Parents who are safe.
essential workers were still required to attend work, while their chil- It is natural to feel scared and sad when you experience some-
dren were home. Others had to balance working from home, parent- thing that impacts your life and forces you to make changes