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sional atmosphere that encourages all   ship has grown to involve the mobiliz-
      educators to take strategic risks within   ing and energizing of others to meet   The NJDOE and various
      their instruction while understanding   imperative goals of continuous school   statewide educational
      that there is support from colleagues   improvement (Brown et. al, 2018).   organizations have be-
      and administration.                  Teacher leaders, through their in-    gun to further promote

      Using CAR to Promote                 volvement with CAR, take on a new,    the development and
                                           comprehensive role to cultivate profes-
      Teacher Leaders                      sional learning, promote meaningful   utilization of teacher
      As an educational leader, principals   conversations about student learning,   leaders over the past
      are challenged with overseeing mul-  and facilitate the overall CAR process
      tiple facets of their school environment   within their collaborative team of fellow   few years. Teachers are
      each of which impact student success.   educators. Multiple accounts of re-  able to flourish through
      Michael Fullan is one of the strongest   search have demonstrated the impor-
      proponents of principals as a leader   tance of teacher leadership along with   their involvement in the
      of learning. Fullen (2014) argues that   a supportive school administrative cul-  CAR process.
      the old paradigm of the “principal as   ture. This is done through the use of
      the instructional leader” is a recipe   professional learning communities to   ment of teacher leaders. Theories of
      for failure since it simply requires too   facilitate teacher collaboration, which   distributed leadership highlight how
      much and is far too complex for any   results in the increase of student out-  leadership is spread across an orga-
      one person. Instead, he proposes that   comes (Stegall and Linton, 2012).   nization, how it involves concerted
      the principal be a “learning leader -   The NJDOE Teacher Leader Advisory   action from teachers and school
      one who models learning, but also    Board (2017) reinforced that teacher   administrators, and how it extends be-
      shapes the conditions for all to learn   leadership creates opportunities   yond task delegation to more profound
      on a continuous basis”. Over my time   for distributed, school and district-  levels of collective action. The leader
      involved with implementing profes-   wide leadership; it allows teachers   and the follower are not just associ-
      sional learning communities and the   a myriad of opportunities to develop   ated with traditional roles, but also to
      CAR process, the need to empower     their own practice and the practices   what the problem, task, or situation
      teacher leaders within the school has   of their colleagues. The NJDOE and   dictates, or who has the prerequisite
      never been more evident.             various statewide educational orga-  knowledge and skills under particular
      While current educational reform     nizations have begun to further pro-  circumstances. The role of the prin-
      promotes the concept of distributed   mote the development and utilization   cipal and other administrators is still
      leadership among school stakehold-   of teacher leaders over the past few   important, but often in different ways
      ers, it is even more evident that    years. Teachers are able to flourish   (DeMatthews, 2014).
      although there are many sources of   through their involvement in the CAR   The role of the educational leader is
      leadership within schools, principals   process. Uniquely, it is not just the PLC   still important, but has shifted in its
      remain the central source in moving   facilitators who demonstrate leadership   function through the incorporation of
      schools forward. Consequently, shifts   among their peers, but also a suc-  non-traditional leadership styles. The
      in leadership design within schools   cessful outcome of the CAR process   principal can now be often seen as a
      have expanded teacher leadership     has yielded the promotion of multiple   “leadership coach”, providing support
      opportunities by redefining and re-  teacher leaders within each PLC in   including modeling and professional
      fashioning the role of teacher leader-  our school. As an example, a single   learning opportunities for teacher
      ship. Over the years, there have been   PLC can incorporate teacher leaders   leaders. Personally, my most profound
      different waves of how teacher leaders   demonstrating competence in a variety   impact while present during PLC
      have been utilized within the school   of the model standards. The facilitator   meetings is not necessarily the com-
      setting. As education approaches the   of the PLC would exemplify the ability   munication that I have with all partici-
      still undefined third wave, in which the   to foster collaborative team to support   pants. Rather, it is the debriefing and
      role of the teacher leader is emerg-  educator development and student    learning experiences that I share with
      ing, there is an involvement of teacher   learning (Domain 1) and the promotion   those teacher leaders who facilitate
      leaders redeveloping their schools   of professional learning for continuous   our school’s PLCs. As the educational
      as the primary creators and design-  improvement (Domain 3), while a data   leader of the school, my greatest
      ers of school improvement. Teacher   specialist among the collaborative team   impact is the support that is provided
      leaders are seen as those who can    could dissect student assessment re-  to the teacher leaders, who in turn,
      enable their colleagues to improve   sults (Domain 5), and another teacher   positively impact the entire school and
      professional practice by doing things   leader would be actively revising the   all students.
      they would not ordinarily do on their   curriculum and instructional methods
      own; redesign schools, mentor their   that were in practice (Domain 4).   Sustaining the CAR Process
      colleagues, engage in problem solv-  As a school principal, I had to alter   The most challenging aspect of institut-
      ing, and provide professional growth   my view and approach to leadership   ing an element of change within an or-
      activities. Ultimately teacher leader-  resulting in the promotion and engage-  ganization is determining mechanisms

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -10-       Spring 2019
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