Page 15 - EdViewptsSpring2019-web
P. 15

As I stood in front of the           of all their upcoming labor would be. At   The true aha moment
          room on a February 2017              the following faculty meeting, teachers   and thus the turning
                                               were broken into their PLC teams and
          afternoon at our faculty             asked to unpack the same standard. As   point of our journey
          meeting to introduce the             a group, we decided what we thought   came as staff began to
                                               were the Student Learning Objectives
          Brookside staff to the               (SLOs) that best mirrored the standard   unpack the standards
          Connected Action Road-               addressed and to set the expectations   during half-day release
                                               for unpacking the remaining standards
          map (CAR), it was easy to            at each grade level.                  time with their grade-

          see that not one staff mem-          The true aha moment and thus the turn-  level teams. As teachers
          ber had any clue what was            ing point of our journey came as staff   continued through the
                                               began to unpack the standards during
                                               half-day release time with their grade-  process of unpacking,
          to come. This can probably be        level teams. As teachers continued
          said about the following three or four   through the process of unpacking, they   they soon realized that
          times we discussed CAR as well. As   soon realized that on some grade levels,   on some grade levels,
          you might imagine, there were many   the interpretation of the standards was   the interpretation of
          parking-lot conversations in the begin-  quite different. The conversations that
          ning, as I was not doing a very good   followed were rich and collegial, as each   the standards was quite
          job identifying the why of what I was   grade eventually came to an agreement   different.
          asking the staff to do.              and understanding of each. The teach-

          After a long conversation with our   ers continued to unpack the standards,   This was done intentionally to ease
          pilot study coach, we determined that   then looked at where the SLOs fell   staff into the writing process and give
          the first assignment was to work as   within the course of the school year.   them an easier view of how the broken
          a faculty and complete the PLC CAR   This was also eye opening as teachers   down standards would be utilized
          survey. Staff were broken into grade-  saw that many prerequisite skill sets   within their daily instruction.
          level teams and asked to “rip the ban-  were being introduced later than was   Working within that framework, we
          dages off,” by completing the survey as   necessary. The adjustment in these   ended the year with all grade levels,
          honestly as possible. The result was a   sequences allowed for a more aligned   K–5, completing all our math units and
          real eye opener, as everyone was able   and consistent delivery of information   creating two reading units. The read-
          to really see the many areas in which   building-wide. Webb's Depth of Knowl-  ing units, much more comprehensive
          the building was deficient. Looking at   edge and “I Can” statements completed   than our teachers were used to pro-
          the specifics of each “conversation,”   the unpacking-standards conversation   ducing, took more time to create. The
          we decided to continue our journey by   and gave us exactly the momentum we   staff’s work generated such an amaz-
          creating a new mission statement. This   needed as we spent the remainder of   ing feeling of ownership that they left
          shared statement gave value to teach-  the year in PLC Conversation 6: Design-  for the summer in a wonderful place
          ers’ voices and allowed us to continue   ing the Learning Experience.     with the work they’d created!
          to create new PLC structures and new   When September 2017 came, staff
          “Norms” for each of our PLCs.        worked within the CAR framework      So how do we know this vehicle
                                                                                    works? We reviewed our Grade 3
          As we were preparing to move on to   from the beginning of the school year,   class and their PARCC performance
          the next steps, we met as a faculty to   jumping right into the work we began   for three years — the same amount of
          discuss PLC Conversation 1: Unpack-  the prior spring. The staff’s enthusiasm  time we participated in the pilot proj-
          ing the Standards. At this point, the light   was infectious, and we began giving   ect. English Language Arts (passing)
          bulb moment hit and the decision was   our PLC grade-level teams half-day   scores were, in 2016 – 59%; in 2017 –
          made to provide staff an example of the   release time to work with school   73%; and in 2018 – 84%. Mathematics
          question they had asked most often:   administration on the formulation of   (passing) scores were, in 2016 – 67%;
          “What is this going to look like?” Utilizing   CAR Units. We elected to work with   in 2017 – 63%; and in 2018 – 78%.
          the models provided through the Blend-  math first, since our current program
          ed Online Learning Modules (BOLM),   lent itself to an easier unit creation.   We feel we are finally in the driver's
          the staff were able to see what the fruits                                seat.

           About the Author
                         Tom Conroy is currently the principal of Brookside Elementary School in the Westwood Regional
                         School District. He has been in Westwood for the past five years. Prior to serving in his current position,
                         Tom held both teaching, and administrative positions on the elementary, middle, high school, and district
                         levels. Tom serves on the FEA Board and is entering his fourth year on the NJPSA/FEA Leadership
                         Academy Development and Presentation Teams. Tom completed both his undergraduate and graduate
                         work at Montclair State University.

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -13-       Spring 2019
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