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By definition, teacher leadership oc-  Domain II: Accessing and Using     Implement an Authentic PLC
          curs when teachers have the opportu-   Research to Improve Practice and   Structure
          nity and autonomy to direct their own   Student Learning
          personal growth and contribute to the   Domain III: Promoting Professional   Professional Learning Communities
          growth of colleagues by establishing   Learning for Continuous Improve-   (PLCs) vary in authenticity among
          relationships, working through existing   ment                            schools. Taking the time to support
          barriers, and using resources within                                      the implementation of authentic PLC
          the school to improve student achieve-  Domain IV: Facilitating Improve-  practice can aid in developing multiple
          ment (Wenner & Campbell, 2017).        ments in Instruction and Student   opportunities for teacher leadership. In
          However, when asked whether or not     Learning                           an authentic PLC, teachers engage in
          teachers considered themselves lead-   Domain V: Promoting the Use of As-  collaborative work to analyze data to
          ers, the answer was often a resound-   sessments and Data for School and   determine a problem of practice. Once
          ing “No” (Godlesky, 2018).             District Improvement Domain VI:    a problem of practice is uncovered,
          During a recent study, teachers de-    Improving Outreach and Collabora-  teachers collaborate to find solutions
                                                                                    to support student learning. This learn-
          scribed engaging in leadership prac-   tion with Families and Community   ing results from both shared practice
          tice as defined in the Teacher Leader   Domain VII: Advocating for Student   and other research-based practices.
          Model Standards, but were reluctant    Learning and the Profession        One powerful activity that can be ac-
          or unwilling to identify such behaviors   Once these are defined and shared   complished in a PLC is collaborative
          as leadership (Godlesky, 2018). This   with all staff members, opportunities   lesson planning in which everyone
          conflict suggests that teacher lead-  for teacher leadership can emerge   contributes to a lesson, views one
          ership is not clearly defined within   more organically and be accessible to   member actually teaching it, and then
          school organizations or that they are   all staff members. As a collaborative   reflects on the results. This one activ-
          not afforded the opportunity to identify   exercise, teacher teams could even   ity addresses multiple domains of the
          themselves and grow as leaders.      brainstorm how these domains trans-  Teacher Leader Model Standards.
          If we know that teacher leadership will   late into viable leadership opportuni-  Supporting the work of authentic PLC
          help our schools thrive in challenging   ties within their schools. It is possible   practice can be challenging, but the
          times and enhance the education of its   that teachers have already identified   outcomes are worth it!
          students, administrators must develop   potential areas of leadership and are
          ways to support its growth. The notion   waiting for an opportunity to exercise   Facilitate Learning Walks
          that teachers must leave the class-  leadership.                          Teaching is an isolating profession
          room to engage in leadership needs to                                     in which it is hard to know what is
          be dismissed and replaced by the idea  Ditch the Practice of “Appoint     happening beyond one’s own class-
          that leadership can be exercised from   and Anoint”                       room walls. Learning walks provide
          within the classroom. There are ac-                                       the opportunity for teachers to visit
          tions administrators can engage in to   When forming committees and provid-  other classrooms to see a lesson in
          foster the growth of teacher leadership   ing teacher voice in school decision-  real time. Administrators can support
          within their schools.                making, it’s important to offer oppor-
                                               tunity to all teachers. When school   this practice by creating a system in
          Define Teacher Leadership            leaders consistently go to the same   which teachers can sign up to partici-
                                                                                    pate in learning walks and by provid-
          Within the Organization              individuals, it does not support the
                                               belief that every teacher’s voice is   ing the time for teachers to view their
          Before a school leader can support the  equally valued, and creates a barrier   colleagues in action. A learning walk
          growth of teacher leadership, it must   for teachers that may wish to grow   might only take ten minutes, but can
          be clearly defined. Communicating    their leadership. It would be hard to   deeply support the culture of shared
          a common understanding of teacher    grow if an individual continually felt   practice and continuous improvement.
          leadership, and identifying areas that   overlooked in decision-making. While   This practice also shifts the idea of
          interested teachers can pursue to    there may be times an administrator   peer observations from a punitive
          grow their leadership are integral to   must make a decision to fulfill a role,   measure to one of opportunity. Sup-
          implementing a framework for teacher   initially offering it up to everyone   porting a culture of trust without judge-
          leaders. A great way to start is to pro-  provides an even playing field for   ment is essential for this practice to
          vide time to unpack the Teacher Lead-  all teachers interested in becom-  grow within a school, and offering
          er Model Standards (Teacher Leader   ing a teacher leader in this sense.   incentives can help it grow to become
          Model Standards, 2011) with staff. The   Administrative support of teacher   embedded within the culture.
          following represent the seven domains   leadership is essential for its success
          of teacher leadership:               (Campbell & Wenner, 2017), and
            Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative   developing respectful relationships is
            Culture to Support Educator Devel-  a key element.
            opment and Student Learning

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -15-       Spring 2019
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