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and one homework was scored as       or why not? Most participants see the   We ask: What do tests and project
          90%. We ask: What do the homework    failing grades in core content areas   grades tell you?
          grades tell you about this student?   and do not believe the student should   The student’s grade on the quarterly
          The gradebook also had a category    be promoted to eighth grade.         assessment was 79. We ask: What
          titled participation/classwork. Nine   We examined the final marking period   does the quarterly assessment grade
          grades – all 100% – were entered. We   in English in depth.               tell you?
          ask: What do participation/classwork   First, we look at the category in the   In sixth grade, the student scored a
          grades tell you about this student?   gradebook titled “quizzes.”         218 on the NJ ASK for Language Arts
          Students took a quarterly exam at     Quiz 1           100                Literacy. At the end of seventh grade,
          the end of the marking period. This                                       the student scored a 207 on the NJ
          student scored 50% on the quarterly   Journal          50                 ASK for Language Arts Literacy. Both
          exam. At this point, we also share in   Quiz 2         100                scores were in the proficient range. At
          the case study that the student scored                                    this point we ask: What do the NJ ASK
          188 on the NJ ASK Language Arts Lit-  Journal          0                  scores tell you? Clearly, the student
          eracy exam at the end of sixth grade                                      has demonstrated proficiency on the
          and 171 at the end of seventh grade.   We ask: What do the quiz grades tell   end-of-year standardized test for two
          Both years, these scores were in the   you?                               years and on the quarterly exam. So,
          partially proficient range. We ask:                                       we ask: Does the final grade (F) reflect
          Would you recommend this student     Then, we examine the homework        mastery of the content? Why or why
          for eighth grade honors English? Did   grades:                            not? Most participants conclude that
          you change your response from your    HW1              0                  it does not and that this student’s final
          initial response after viewing additional   HW2        8                  grade was adversely affected by his
          information?                                                              inconsistency with completion of work
          By this time, participants have serious   HW3          0                  that must be done at home.
          doubts about the student’s abilities.   HW4            0                  Some background on this student
          Not only did she not demonstrate      HW5              100                completes the picture. His mother
          mastery on end of marking period and   HW6             100                passed away during the summer prior
          year assessments, but her partially   HW7              100                to seventh grade. His father was an
          proficient scores on the NJ ASK most                                      alcoholic and struggled to take care
          likely warranted some interventions or   HW8           100                of him and his younger sibling. He
          remediation.                          HW9              50                 moved between several relatives dur-
          It is interesting to provide some back-  HW10          100                ing the school year. At one point – the
          ground information on the student     HW11             100                point where his homework completion
          at this point. She was a very well-   HW12             0                  improved – he lived with an aunt who
          behaved, well-liked student. She was                                      took a very active role in his schooling.
          active in school life and a member of   HW13           0                  So, here we have a student who has
          the cheerleading squad. Her mother    HW14             0                  been through one of the most traumat-
          was very involved in the community.   We ask: What do the homework        ic events of his life, but is still demon-
          She was a student who was often “a   grades tell you?                     strating on assessments that he has
          pleasure to have in class.” It is very                                    mastered the content. If all work that
          possible that her positive school be-  Subsequently, we examine the cat-  was to be done at home was removed
          haviors affected her final grades and   egory of tests/projects.          from the gradebook, he clearly would
          masked her struggle with mastery.     Test 1           90                 have passed seventh grade English.
          The next case study we created was    Take Home        0                  Yet, despite the research on the nega-
          titled The Homework Avoider. The      Project                             tive effects of retention, he was at risk
          student failed English, math, science,   Test 2        92                 for repeating seventh grade, which
          and social studies at the end of grade                                    would likely be another traumatic life
          seven. Our first question is: Should   Take Home Test  0                  event and would not result in improved
          this student repeat grade seven? Why                                      student achievement.

           About the Author
                         Kim Tucker currently serves as the Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction for the Somers Point School
                         District. In addition, she is the Principal of the New York Avenue School. In this role, she is responsible for
                         overseeing all academic subjects at all levels (Pre-K - 8), planning and executing professional development
                         opportunities for professional and support staff, and overseeing federal programs and the district assessment
                         schedule. She manages these varied responsibilities by building, nurturing and sustaining collaborative work-
                         ing relationships with teachers, PLC facilitators, support staff members, Board members and administrative
           colleagues. Kim currently serves as the President of Learning Forward New Jersey. Her twitter handle is @tuckerkim.

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