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P. 65

Opening Young Minds to the

          World: Dual Language Immersion

          By Sherry Sizemore, District Supervisor, World Languages, and Carl Cooper,
          Social Studies, Supervisor, K-12, West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School


          Students enter their                 Mrs. Koekemoer smiles and greets     morning meeting. Students greet each
          colorful kindergarten                her students effusively in Spanish.   other by singing,“hola, amigo. ¿Cómo
                                                                                    está usted?”
                                               She offers personal inquiries into
          class bundled in thick               their mornings and answers their     Across town Ms. Zhang’s kindergar-
          winter coats, scarves,               excited questions about the day.     ten morning meeting is conducted
                                               While very few students began the
          and mittens and begin to             school year with any exposure to the   exclusively in Mandarin. “小朋友们,
                                                                                    早上好。” Students point to appropriate
          unpack their book bags               language, in this kindergarten class,   characters as all report the date and
                                               Mrs. Koekemoer speaks exclusively
          and follow the classroom             in Spanish. “Vengan al óvalo.” As    weather: “今天是2019年, 1月18日,
                                                                                    星期五, 今天是晴天。” In fact, while
          routines established back            students make their way to the carpet,   only a handful of her 25 students are
                                               she offers subtle redirection where
                                                                                    native Chinese speakers, Ms. Zhang
          in September. Their teacher          needed, but when her class of five   conducts all of her lessons in Chinese.
                                               year olds is ready, she begins their

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