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P. 69

Are You Ready to Embrace

          Love Without Borders? Are You

          Ready to Say “Basta”?

          By Pedro Trivella, ESL/Bilingual Elementary School Educator, Asbury Park

          BASTA! I was not ready to say        When I first arrived at work, I could   Immigrant families were at a cross-
          BASTA (BASTA means enough in         hear several children crying. Students   roads. Even though they wished to
          Spanish). I was not ready to say     as young as 5 years old were trying   exercise their voices through the “Day
          ENOUGH. However my BASTA             to hold in their tears so as not to call   without Immigrants” movement, they
          moment abruptly found me on          attention to themselves. Their pain   were shamefully afraid to bring at-
          the “Day without Immigrants” on      was too much to bear, but their fear of   tention to themselves. Some parents
          February 16, 2017.                   being noticed was even greater.      reluctantly sent their children to school
                                                                                    without knowing if they would ever see
          That day, only a small portion of ESL   They were afraid of being separated   them at again.
          children came to school. After all, the   from their families, and afraid of being
          purpose of this social media-organized   deported! It turns out that the children   By the time I arrived to my classroom,
          “Day without Immigrants” movement    who came to school were advised by   I felt overwhelmed and distraught, but
          was to make people reflect on what   their families to avoid getting emo-  most of all ashamed. Shame on me
          our community would look like without   tional, as this would shed light on their   that I had not foreseen the detrimental
          our extraordinary immigrants.        immigration status.                  consequences that this event would
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