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portunity to improve before it becomes cycle of visits I send a short question-
a written judgement of their practice. Since this is my first naire about the visit; questions include:
Administrators have an opportunity to look, I follow up with a What is the instructional goal of the
take a “first look” and have a factual yet lot of questions, remem- lesson? Briefly describe the motivation
relaxed conversation about teaching. you will use at the beginning of class.
Teachers new to our district attend bering the teacher is What activities are planned to support
monthly cohort sessions. This practice the expert and will have the instructional goal? List examples of
of meeting monthly brings teachers from the best ideas of how to questions that you plan to ask during
our five campuses together for support the lesson (3-4 questions that check
and to learn about what instructional improve instruction. for student understanding are suffi-
practices we as a district value most. In need to improve in their instructional cient). What evidence will you collect to
fact, I created a card for that, it could be practice. Teachers determine the goal, determine if the instructional goal has
an app if you wanted it to be, but I am and answer the following questions: been met? Because there is a pre- and
old-school. This yellow 3 x 5 card simply What changes to my selected teaching post-evaluation conference built into this
asks them to share a challenge and/or behavior will improve student learning? visit, the end result is usually a formal
an accomplishment that has occurred What specific things must I change in written evaluation. The summary will still
since the last session. I usually share this teaching behavior? What evidence include evidence of what I observed and
the accomplishments at the session and will I accept as proof that I have made a description of how the teacher’s in-
follow-up the next day on challenges. the change? They are given feedback structional decisions impacted learning.
Teachers know that I will share their on their answers and are asked to keep Often there is a challenge asking the
challenge with a content area supervisor evidence that shows progress in a folder teacher to share their improvement plan
or principal, so that together, we can find that is reviewed every two weeks. At in their comments. By building trust with
a solution. I always send an email letting the end of the second marking period, teachers I have found that the likelihood
the teacher know what will be happen- teachers submit the folder of evidence of improving instruction is good.
ing next and copy the administrator. and their summary/self-analysis of the We often hear that all students can
These simple cards provide a wealth of marking period project. During this time learn. The same statement applies
information about classroom instruction period, school administrators from each to teachers and administrators; i.e.,
for both teachers and administrators. school meet with central office admin- they may not yet know how to teach or
Within each cohort there is a wide range istrators to discuss plans and needs for evaluate well, but they will learn over
of teaching experience. During the first the following school year. Part of this time if given proper feedback and op-
marking period, I “pop in” to see the first discussion is staffing, which includes portunity to reflect on how to change
or last 10 minutes of the class. These classroom performance and formal their practice in order to improve stu-
initial unannounced pop-in visits give evaluations of teaching staff. Since most dent learning. Administrators who visit
me a sense of what is happening in the teachers have had possibly one official the classroom often know what is hap-
classroom and expectations for growth observation by this time, we emphasize pening on the front lines of education;
during the school year. Since this is my that there is still time for the teacher to what makes that information actionable
first look, I follow up with a lot of ques- improve and we determine how best to is discussing it with the teacher who
tions, remembering the teacher is the ensure that the teacher receives collab- is best equipped to make meaningful
expert and will have the best ideas of orative coaching in their area of need. changes in their instructional practice.
how to improve instruction. If necessary, Symbiosis is defined as the interaction
I will send a quick email with descriptive Conversations about classroom visits, between two different organisms living
but non-judgmental evidence of what I as opposed to formal evaluations, are in close physical association, typically
observed. Asking questions and always focused on the instructional decisions to the advantage of both, a mutually
ending with words of encouragement that teachers are making and provide beneficial relationship between different
help set the stage for deeper conversa- key details of what was observed people or groups. By building strong
tions throughout the year. during a visit. I like to do at least two professional relationships between
At the beginning of marking period pop-in visits before conducting a formal teachers and administrators we in-
two, teachers are asked to complete observation. Asking questions and being crease the likelihood that teaching and
an honest assessment of what they positive about teaching builds trust and evaluation in our schools will improve.
confidence to improve. Before the third
About the Author
Deborah Krause, Ed.D. has served diverse school communities as teacher, principal, supervisor, director,
and accreditation team chair for the Middle States Association. She currently serves as Director of Curriculum
and Instruction for the Middlesex County Vocational and Technical Schools (MCVTS) and is eager to share
about the opportunities for students at these county vocational, technical high schools. MCVTS provides
a rigorous academic program combined with a career major program. Her areas of interest are teacher
preparation and instructional coaching, she believes that choosing to teach is a vocation that is challenging
yet very fulfilling when done right.
Educational Viewpoints -80- Spring 2019