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To help determine the answer to this (Baglieri & Shapiro, 2017). However, to the students, and the disabilities,
question, the use of a critical lens, as administrators we can certainly do they service. If you are doing this,
specifically the social model of dis- something about our learning environ- please stop! Although perhaps unin-
abilities studies, may be helpful. Ac- ments. The first step is to understand tentional, labeling teachers according
cording to Baglieri and Shapiro (2017), that there are alternatives to such to the students they serve may only
disability studies expand on the way practices. The prevalent alternative in contribute to the segregation of both
society defines, conceptualizes, and this case is the application of the social the staff members and the students
ultimately understands the term “dis- model of inclusion.
ability.” As a political spoke of the civil Social Model Typically, teachers are
rights movement in the 1960s, disabil- categorized into either
ity studies specifically focused on dis- Under the social model of disability
abilities as strengths, rather than the studies, a person is not disabled, or “general education”
social stigma of weakness (Baglieri identified as such, until they encounter or “special education”
& Shapiro, 2017). As such, two main an obstacle in society that renders or
approaches to meeting student needs identified them “disabled.” The of- teachers. Such classifi-
in an inclusive learning environment ten used example to highlight such cations only support the
emerged: The Medical Model and the social interactions is that a person in medical model simply
Social Model. As administrators, how a wheelchair is not disabled until they
we shape our learning environments encounter steps into a building. In this by labeling teachers ac-
to meet student needs may make all example, the person’s lack of ability to cording to the students,
of the difference in the world. walk is not the problem, the steps are.
Under the social model, the school and the disabilities,
Two Models environment becomes the focus where, they service.
Typically, there are two main models as administrators, we can now examine
how the environment may facilitate or
that are mentioned in disability stud- impede interactions among all children, alike. As such, the realization that
ies research: The Medical Model and regardless of their bodies, minds, and practices such as the segregation
the Social Model (Baglieri & Shapiro, effects (Baglieri & Shapiro, 2017). of students and/or staff exist in your
2017). Each has their place in the Essentially, a ramp to enter a building school or district is an action step
evolving process of inclusive educa- benefits all users entering a building, towards re-creating your inclusive en-
tional environments and may or may not just the wheelchair-bound individu- vironments. You may ask, “if we do not
not sound familiar to you. The first als who wish to enter. This shift in focus call them special education teachers,
model to discuss is that of the medical allows administrators to question their what do we call them?” The answer is
model of inclusion. particular districts, schools, educational simple, you call them teachers.
Medical Model environments, and curriculum to enable The concept of teaching all students,
not “general” or “special” students, may
In the medical model, students who are students with disabilities to gain access be a step in the right direction. How-
perceived as having a disability against to learning and participating with their ever, it takes more than just labels to
the “norm” are placed on a plan to “fix” peers (Baglieri & Shapiro, 2017). Ap- break such deeply embedded segrega-
the disability. Essentially, the medical plying such a critical lens with a specific tion practices. It takes curricular and
model focuses on the disability and the focus may yield results that may be dif- programmatic changes as well. One
remediation of the disability, not the ficult to address. So what can be done such example is Syracuse University’s
child. As such, the students may be if you do not like what you see through School of Education Teacher Education
picked up by “special” busses, dropped your new lens? The simple answer is Program. Beginning in the early 1990s
off and sent to “special” rooms, and are to change the environment keeping all Syracuse University stopped offering
taught by “special” teachers. Students students in mind. split teacher preparation programs
may even stay in such “special” learn- Educators may be unaware that we (special or elementary) in their School
ing environments their entire academic may have been indoctrinated into the of Education, instead electing to merge
careers, never transitioning into the medical model of disability studies by the programs to allow graduates to
“general” or “normal” learning envi- professional development training or be eligible for both certifications. The
ronments (Baglieri & Shapiro, 2017). pre-service teaching programs. Unfor- expectation of graduates through this
Students placed into such learning tunately, many colleges, universities, program is made clear and explicit by
environments through the medical and school districts promulgate the the curriculum i.e. regardless of content
model often find themselves in classes medical model of disabilities studies area, the teachers are responsible for
that only serve children with disabilities, by separating programs and staff into teaching all students. This bold step by
hindering their participation in other ac- separate “classes” of teachers. Typi- Syracuse University sent a clear and
tivities within the school. If the medical cally, teachers are categorized into unambiguous message that all teach-
model sounds familiar, do not feel as if either “general education” or “special ers need to have the skills and dis-
you are alone as the medical model is education” teachers. Such classifica- positions to teach all children (Ashby,
unfortunately still the prevalent model tions only support the medical model 2012). Does your school or district
applied in most educational settings simply by labeling teachers according send the same message?
Educational Viewpoints -85- Spring 2019