Page 59 - FallCatalog2021
P. 59

FEA Online Learning Suite

       Assessment Literacy and the                              Designing Learning Experiences
     Power of Formative Assessment                            for Remote and Blended Learning
     This course which was co-developed by FEA                We’ve learned so much! This timely course
     and ETS consists of five Assessment Literacy             is designed to bring you from research to
     modules that are intended to help teachers               practice, providing practical information, skills,
     develop and deepen their assessment literacy and         strategies and tools, and helping you design and
     understanding of the components of a balanced            implement digital learning for blended and remote
     assessment system.                                       experiences.
     Each module uses a combination of readings,              While the future of education is unpredictable, we
     case studies, and discussion questions. We hope          know that preparing to move between the remote
     that teachers will be able to work with colleagues       and blended learning landscape is essential.
     in their schools, in a learning community, or in a       This course will give you the tools, research and
     department- or grade-level team to talk about            strategies to prepare for either learning landscape
     reactions to the activities; however, we also            to ensure that students are learning.
     provide additional resources in the appendices for
     independent use if collaboration is not available.
                                                                Fighting Racial Slurs and
                                                              Other Common Acts of
       Culturally Responsive Practices                        Student Aggression
     and Leadership                                           American society has become increasingly more
     Culturally Responsive Practices requires educators       violent as rules of civility and mutual respect are
     to recognize and redress traditional psycho-social       treated as signs of weakness. Unbridled expressions
     barriers to learning, barriers that have impeded         of racial violence and political polarization places
     the emergence of Black and Brown students as             those in historically targeted populations at even
     independent learners. In pursuing this journey,          greater risk than ever before. This course discusses
     they emerge as culturally literate practitioners and     how race-based bullying is deeply grained in a
     allies who are better able to close the learning         discriminatory cultural narrative and what constructive
     gaps currently supported by status-quo instruction       behaviors can be taken to disrupt its expression in our
     and leadership. In recognition of the complexity         schools.
     of having race talks, we are excited to extend the
     learning by offering a 90 minute, synchronous
     session, led by course instructor Dr. Robin Harden         Implementing the Professional
     Daniels.($125. Estimated 5.5 hours, including            Standards for Educational Leaders
     synchronous component)                                   Through an Equity Lens

                                                              During this course, the learner will be given
                                                              the opportunity to explore how two central
                                                              office administrators, from separate districts,
                                                              (a superintendent and a director of curriculum)
                                                              implement the Professional Standards for
                                                              Educational Leaders (PSEL) in order to strengthen
                                                              instructional leadership within their district to guide
                                                              district/school improvement.
                                                              In addition to learning about examples aligned to
                                                              each standard, participants will spend some time
                                                              unpacking the standards, learning about the PSEL
                                                              Reflection and Growth Tool, and examining the
                                                              AntiRacist Continuum.
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