Page 61 - FallCatalog2021
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Anti-Bullying Specialist Module 3: Staff Rights &
Certificate Program Responsibilities V2
As an Anti-Bullying Specialist or Anti-Bullying This online offering provides an overview of the
Coordinator, you need comprehensive professional law concerning staff rights and responsibilities.
learning in order to be ready for this challenging This course covers the following important topics:
role. There is no better team of anti-bullying Tenure and Seniority, Collective Bargaining, Sexual
experts for this type of training than LEGAL ONE’s Harassment, Retaliation and Discrimination,
instructors! We have trained thousands of Anti- Evaluations, Increment Withholdings, and
Bullying Specialists, administrators and others on Employee Discipline.
every aspect of New Jersey’s Anti-Bullying Bill of
Rights. We are now also including opportunities for Module 4: Special Education V2
live interaction with LEGAL ONE attorneys.
This five-part course provides a comprehensive
overview of special education law. Topics include the
Module 1: Governance, Ethics & fundamental civil rights of children with disabilities;
Accountability V2 what constitutes a free, appropriate public education
This online offering provides an overview of the law for children with disabilities; unilateral changes in
concerning school district governance, ethics and placement; procedural rights; discipline of disabled
accountability for school officials, recordkeeping, pupils and those with a suspected disability; related
and emerging issues of school law. The program services; and Section 504.
contains the following important topics: Public
school governance; Review of source of school, Tenure and Evaluation Law
constitutional, state,and case law and federal
statutes regulations and district policy; The School This online offering provides an overview of
Ethics Code and its application to board members; TEACHNJ, New Jersey’s tenure reform law, which
school administrators; New Jersey’s Open Public became effective on August 6, 2012. The course also
Records Act; Pupil records law under FERPA; and provides an overview of New Jersey seniority law. The
New Jerseys accountability regulations. program includes important topics such as: tenure
acquisition, evaluation requirements, corrective action
plans, seniority law, and reductions in force.
Module 2: Students Rights &
Responsibilities V2 NJ’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights
“Student Rights and Responsibilities” provides V2
an overview of the law concerning public school This seven-part course is a must-take for school
students’ rights and responsibilities. This course leaders, educators, and staff. Curriculum features
focuses on student safety; code of conduct; student include the latest on HIB, case law, discussions, and
discipline; bullying and cyber-bullying; student scenarios.
confidentiality rights; schools’ duties to supervise
students and to report child abuse; reporting
student drug and alcohol use; student First
Amendment rights of free speech and religious
expression; dress codes; and search and seizure of