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schedules. The goal was to mirror how to assess the work, let alone how to
Yale’s program, to use original works track the data to show growth. Needless FEA’s Summer Confer-
of art in a museum setting to help to say, that’s when fate stepped in and ence at Princeton Uni-
strengthen our medical students’ NJPSA/FEA’s professional develop-
observation and communication skills. ment pamphlet (“Educational Leaders versity served as the
After observing Yale’s program, ob- as Scholars: Using Arts Integration to impetus that gave my
servation was the first step towards Enhance NJ’s Student Learning Stan- teachers at the Acade-
experiencing the world, and these skills dards”) appeared in the main office. my of Allied Health and
would be essential to promoting good Since this summer opportunity was
critical thinking. And even though my created for teams of educators looking Science the support,
teachers excitedly brought this back to to “use art integration to enhance resources and courage
our school and campaigned for inte- NJ’s Student Learning Standards,”
grating an art program, the timing just we applied. And in July 2015, after to finally roll out this
wasn’t right. With such a small school we were chosen, the principal, a team building initiative
(300 students and 30 teachers), there of diverse teachers and I attended
were limited resources (teachers and the three-day event at Princeton would need to deconstruct/interpret
classroom space) and a schedule that University. Not only were we given the art and practice observational skills
was driven by the thematic allied health opportunity to document the impact of across all disciplines. They were given
classes. For any administrator who has arts integration, discover techniques the terms that represent the elements
experienced manipulating a master for analyzing critical works of visual of design (line, shape, form, color, val-
schedule, you know that when you add works, and attend theatre-based/ ue, texture and space) as well as the
something to the schedule, you must puppetry workshops, but we also vocabulary related to the principles of
take something away. So, unfortunately, had the unique opportunity to meet art/design: balance, rhythm, repetition
the idea of using art as a tool to develop with our own personal “coach” (Pat and movement. Once they were given
better observational skills sat untouched Flynn), who would solely work with our the tools, they would have the op-
for almost 10 years. school to provide creative leadership portunity to practice applying the skills
Fast forward to the spring of 2011. The team training, guide us and offer and asking the questions that they
Academy of Allied Health and Science, constructive feedback over the next had been taught. From their Spanish
now being led by a new principal year… The rest is history. I class to their history class to their
(Mr. Paul Mucciarone) and looking Needless to say, FEA’s Summer biology class, students were asked
to fulfill a Middle State accreditation, Conference at Princeton University to “look” at a visual text: “Describe
brainstormed possible building goals, served as the impetus that gave my what you see objectively, accurately
discussing areas of growth that could teachers at the Academy of Allied describe the dominant elements or
be addressed as part of the school’s Health and Science the support, principles of art. Next, propose ideas
“Sustaining Excellence” Middle States resources and courage to finally roll and questions for possible meaning
model for accreditation. It was during out this building initiative; during the based on evidence." Students’ analysis
this time that the World Language opening Staff Day in September of and interpretation skills were assessed
department revisited their art initiative, 2015, the team turn-keyed what they across all disciplines with a three-point
recommending that AAHS develop a had learned at the Princeton retreat, rubric and then filed into their individual
high school level observational skill showing staff how incorporating visual art portfolio that they created.
series of lessons revolved around art, arts throughout the curriculum and The following year, 10th grade students
and we finally started to gain buy in utilizing the elements and principles were introduced to medical sketching
from the entire school community. of art could measurably improve in their Anatomy and Physiology (A&P)
This team of teachers persisted and students’ observational skills. class. Students learned observational
organized an inaugural art show that With an allied health instructor pos- skills by doing a before and after illus-
took place on April 25, 2014. Over 80 sessing a fine arts background, an tration of an anatomical model using
pieces were submitted by students impassioned faculty and a supportive pencil. They received instruction on per-
and faculty. Five students were administration, the Class of 2018 ception of edges and light and shadow
recognized for excellence in painting/ would be the first class to receive art in between the before and after illustra-
drawing, photography, and sculpture/ instruction over their four year career tions. In their physics course, students
crafts with certificates and gift cards at AAHS. were asked to create lab safety posters
funded by our parent association. The roll out began by bringing the en- and then explain the elements of art
After a successful art show, teachers tire 9th grade class together, explain- they used along with their rationale.
were ready to integrate the arts into their ing the rationale for the art initiative In Grade 11, students took those skills
classroom, yet, they didn’t know where and then providing students with the learned in 10th grade and applied
to start, how to create assignments, or tools, questions and vocabulary they them to drawing a new anatomical
Educational Viewpoints -88- Spring 2018