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and have been an essential part of Are we intentional about providing Be careful to keep students at
the anti-trafficking movement in New time for students to participate the center here; we do not want
Jersey since 2011. in rich discussion about topics to overshadow or influence their
Young people possess a unique relevant to them? It is moments progress so that it is no longer
sensitivity to injustice which motivates when students are investigating, student led. Authentic learning
them to make a difference. Further, inquiring, and discussing relevant occurs when students take action
there is a unique level of engage- issues that their passions will and share the knowledge they
ment when students feel connected surface. have gained. Supporting our
to the content being taught and are, 2. Listen carefully. When students students in fulfilling their goals is
therefore, motivated to take action. communicate, it is essential to paramount to their success.
In this case, students were inspired listen to the heart behind their The experiences students have in
to advocate for change because they words. Students will not always adolescence shape who they become
identified this crime as directly affect- know they have the ability to im- later in life; therefore, if they can iden-
ing them and their generation; they pact society in meaningful ways. tify causes for which they feel passion-
understood they could be the voice of Understand students possess ate about early on, they will continue
the voiceless. We must harness this creative thinking, which could be to advocate for themselves and others
authentic passion within our students the foundation of the next great beyond their time with us. Many of the
to not only increase engagement, but movement that could impact so- students who founded Project Stay
to create a lifelong desire to examine ciety. We should also remember Gold have taken their activism to their
their own roles in bettering society. learning is a two way street. As college campuses and workplace.
As educators, we have a responsibil- we listen to our students, we must Many of these students have been
ity to recognize these passions in our recognize there is much to be so inspired by this work that it has
students and empower them by offer- learned from them as well. It is in influenced their career paths. Some of
ing the support they need. There are building those relationships with my students are studying journalism
three key concepts to remember when our students based on mutual re- and have expressed the desire to write
empowering students who have the spect that they become comfort- to expose human trafficking. Others
desire to advocate for a cause: able advocating for the causes in are majoring in economics and want to
1. Passion is contagious. Do not which they believe. own businesses that promote slave-
free products. As student activism is
underestimate that students listen 3. Facilitate and Support. Once we shaped by genuine learning experi-
when we speak; therefore, they have identified students who are ences, students discover their purpose
may also identify with the issues excited about moving forward with which could ultimately define the
and causes we are passionate a project or passion, we must do course of their lives. Nelson Mandela
about. Further, how we deliver everything we can to continue to said, “Education is the most powerful
the content we teach can spark empower them. Students need weapon to change the world.” As edu-
immediate passion within our educators to break down barriers cation awakens passion and purpose,
students. Are we giving students and open doors they cannot on our students start to see themselves
opportunities to investigate issues their own. Collaboration between as we see them: history makers and
they are curious about? Do we school resources and student ideas world changers.
promote inquiry-based learning? can establish an effective project.
The Polaris Project:
The International Labour Organization 2017 Global Estimates of Modern Day Slavery
About the Author
Danny Papa is the K-12 Supervisor of Art, Technology Education, and Social Studies for Jefferson
Township Public Schools. As a social studies teacher he founded the nonprofit organization, Project
Stay Gold to raise awareness about human trafficking. Danny was named the 2013 History Teacher of
the Year by the NJ Council for the Social Studies. Mr. Papa testified on behalf of his students before the
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs “Combating Human Trafficking:
Federal, State, and Local Perspectives” in September of 2013. Danny is currently serving as the co-
chair of the Education Committee and an Executive Board Member for the NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking. Twitter: @dpapa77
Educational Viewpoints -83- Spring 2018