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P. 84

Inspiring Student Activism

      By Danny Papa, K-12 Supervisor of Art, Technology Education, and Social
      Studies, Jefferson Township Public Schools

      “Does slavery still exist            United States Senate; their efforts   the world, including here in the U.S.”
                                           even created an opportunity to testify   It is undeniable that this issue is a
      today?” This is the single most      before the U.S. Senate Committee on   relevant, current, and real concern that
      important question I ever asked my   Homeland Security.                   is threatening our world daily.
      8th grade students. The discussion   The International Labor Organization   So, what does this issue have to with
      in my classroom that day sparked     estimates that 24.9 million people   New Jersey schools? When my stu-
      a student abolitionist movement      globally were forced into one of many   dents learned about human trafficking
      as 30 students decided to serve a    forms of modern-day slavery in 2016.   in class, they immediately identified
      cause greater than themselves. After   Human trafficking is the third largest   how this crime directly impacts stu-
      learning about modern-day slavery,   international crime and at the rate   dents of their own age and recognized
      my students founded a non-profit     of growth could soon eclipse drug    they could even be at risk. Fueled by
      organization to raise awareness in   and weapons trafficking. According   passion and empathy, these students
      schools about human trafficking. The   to the Polaris Project, “Although   seized the opportunity to research
      students created videos, a website,   slavery is commonly thought to be a   exactly what the warning signs and
      made presentations, and formed       thing of the past, human traffickers   risk factors of human trafficking are
      partnerships with law enforcement    generate hundreds of billions of     and vowed to increase awareness in
      and government agencies. The         dollars in profits by trapping millions   New Jersey and beyond. They created
      students’ work was recognized in the
                                           of people in horrific situations around   the organization Project Stay Gold

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