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Using Video to Foster Reflective
By Douglas Walker, Assistant Principal, Chatham High School
Reflective-practice to consideration of belief or supposed feedback and critique of practices by
facilitate teacher learning form of knowledge in the light of the individuals in these roles focus on
grounds that support it and further
evaluative recognition in contrast to
through the use of conclusions to which it ends (Bugg & a professional learning opportunity.
videotaped lessons has Dewey, 1934). Within the context of The post conference mentor or
teaching and learning reflective practice evaluator discussions are dependent
been receiving increased is recognized as a process of problem upon memory of the lesson and the
attention in teacher solving, analysis of process, and the ability of the teacher to recognize key
act of making judgements in order to
points of observation and initiation of
preparation programs and adapt practice. (Reinman, 1998). discussion. The challenges faced with
Traditional practices of supervisor lesson reflection through traditional
schools. There exists a demand or mentor observation followed by methods recognizes that the ability
to better understand how the use of post observation conferencing is to reflect in order to develop teacher
videotaped lessons as a medium for limited with regards to equality in learning is not innate and may require
reflection can translate to teacher positions of power between the specificity in approach and mediation
learning. Reflection was first defined observer and observed. (Baecher, to impact teacher learning and
as active, persistent, and careful development (Reiman, 1999).
2014). In that, the teacher receiving
Educational Viewpoints -79- Spring 2018