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Camera, and students in the 2nd      Google Classrooms. Students now      the criteria of the NJ Future Ready
      -6th grades now participate in a 1:1   regularly use Google Docs and Slides   Schools Initiative, the New Jersey
      chromebook initiative. Moreover, the   to collaborate, a key 21st century skill.  Student Learning Standards for Tech-
      library was transformed into a Re-   This school-level decision-making    nology, and the Partnership for 21st
      search and Technology Center that    process could very well serve as a   Century Learning. The following key
      includes a SMART table, 3D digital   district-level model. Conversely, in   themes emerged, digital collaboration,
      printer, 14 desktop computers, and   the absence of a unified district vison   creation, and digital citizenship. Insofar
      an Epson Projector accessed through   for digital teaching and learning, best   as staff proficiencies, curating digital
      the teacher workstation. Classrooms   practices may remain “siloed.” The   content/building shared resources,
      schedule time in the center to conduct   Partnership for 21st Century Learning   designing digital lessons, delivering
      research for project based learning   was founded “as a coalition… to     digital/blended lessons and operating
      activities, and the Gifted and Talented   position 21st century readiness at   within a learning management system
      program utilizes the space to complete   the center of US K-12 education and   were designated as core skills. The
      coursework.                          to kick-start a national conversation   team also concluded that a mindset
      The acquisition of this technology was   on the importance of 21st century   shift for staff relative to 21st century
      not conducted in an extemporaneous   skills for all students.” (Retrieved   teaching and learning was equally im-
      manner. Rather, a circumspect ap-    from    portant placing greater emphases on,
      proach was taken to ensure that it was   our-history on January 2, 2018). Since   for example, inquiry-based education,
      financially responsible, and that it also   this landmark occasion, districts have   application, and student centeredness
      permitted ample time for staff engage-  encouraged the use of technology   (Hixon & Buckenmeyer, 2009).
      ment and training. For example, all   and frequently supported it with    The next step was to identify the
      of the chrome books were purchased   large scale “roll outs” of hardware. In   programs and applications that staff
      through effective management of the   2017, K-12 education spending on    would utilize within this new environ-
      school budget, and a pilot year took   technology related items ballooned to   ment. This is crucial not only as it
      place in the 5th and 6th grades. Incre-  12 billion dollars. (Retrieved from http://  articulates very clear and specific
      mental expansion occurred over the   expectations; but also informs the
      next two years resulting in students   numbers/2017-education-it-spend-k-  planning of professional learning.
      across five grade levels enjoying daily   12-vs-higher-ed_70.html on January   Once the core values and proficien-
      access to their own chromebook.      2, 2017. However, the infusion of    cies were defined, a timeline was out-
      The use of such technology yielded   devices is not always accompanied    lined. Considering the “second order
      immediate gains in student achieve-  by a cogent plan. The result can be a   changes” (Watzlawick, Weakland, &
      ment. During the 2016-17 school year,   haphazard proliferation of technology   Fisch, 1974) to bring about this para-
      3rd-6th grade students typed respons-  creating various challenges (Groff, J., &   digm shift, as well as the requisite
      es to the district-wide, monthly, writing   Mouza, 2008). First, within the faculty a   professional learning, a conservative
      prompts, which were aligned with the   tremendous diversity in knowledge and   four-year plan was recommended.
      PARCC ELA units of Narrative, Literary   usage may have developed. Second,   The primary focuses of year one were
      Analysis, and Research Simulation.   the applications which are being used   communication with stakeholders and
      The 89% school-wide proficiency      on the school and classroom level may   assessment of technology proficiency.
      achieved on PARCC ELA that year,     not necessarily represent the most   A presentation outlining the plan was
      which was a 41% increase from the    appropriate options for larger district-  shared with the superintendent, the
      previous year, may be attributed in   wide implementations.               Board of Education Curriculum and
      part to these exercises.             The procedural framework laid out in   Technology sub-committees, admin-
      In many cases, well-intentioned initia-  the following section represents one   istrators, staff, and community. The
      tives fail due to a lack of “buy-in” from   district’s technology strategic planning   district’s supervisors were charged
      staff, making appropriate staff training   process. On a macro level, it may be   with distilling the larger vision into
      a top priority before the initial rollout   worthy of replication in districts that   department plans. A survey was then
      (Mumtaz, 2000). To maximize the use   are deliberating over a 1:1 initiative,   created and administered to the entire
      of the chromebooks, two teachers     on the verge of large hardware       district staff. This enabled the creation
      attended a Google Apps for Education   rollouts, or evaluating their current   of cohorts by proficiency level to tailor
      training that led to the Google Level 1   device strategy. On a micro level, the   PD to various entry points.
      Educator Certification. A peer-to-peer   underlying process may become a   Year two is labeled, a time of experi-
      turnkey then took place within the   filter, through which to run decisions   mentation for all staff, the identification
      school’s PLCs, so all staff members   relating to technology purchases.   and support of early adopters is also
      were informed of the many features.   The first step was to assemble a    crucial. A high profile guest speaker
      Subsequently, students were provided   “Delta Team” to craft the district digital   would be invited to the opening district
      with Gmail accounts to foster com-   learning vision. The team reviewed   convocation, and staff members who
      munication with their teachers through   the district’s existing technology plan,   distinguished themselves as early

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -74-       Spring 2018
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