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Technological Confusion or Infusion:
An Effective and Sustainable Procedural
Framework for Digital Learning
By: J. Scott Cascone, Ed.D., Executive Director of Academics, Old Bridge
Township Public Schools; and Joseph P. Vespignani, Ed.D., Principal,
Hoboken Public Schools
School districts have to this pedagogical metamorphosis At the elementary school highlighted
become increasingly self- (Bauer & Kenton, 2005). However, in this article, technological resources
“rolling out” hardware “en masse”
and innovation have grown exponen-
reflective regarding the without clear, strategic plans can tially over the past five years. Taking
need to transform into stall organizational change rather into consideration that approximately
than catalyze it and lead to what are
65% of today’s elementary school
“future ready” learning referred to as “usage and outcome students will enter careers that are
gaps” (Lim, Zhao, Tondeur, Chai and yet to be created (Wolfe, 2013), the
environments. It is estimated Tsai, 2013). school identified a clear-cut need to
that schools in the United States The article sheds light on not only how expose its students to technological
spend over 50 billion dollars a year to foster technological innovation on advances on a daily basis. Five years
on educational technology (Johnson, the school level, but as importantly ago, resources were limited to SMART
ASCD, 2011-12). Equipping students how to develop a clear district vision Boards and four desktop computers
with digital devices through 1:1 and implementation plan. in every classroom. By 2017, every
initiatives is acknowledged as integral classroom has a SMART Document
Educational Viewpoints -73- Spring 2018