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• Time Limits: Setting time limits/ Parent Safeguards the following apps may provide
screen time is a MUST! Do not parents with the child’s location,
allow teens to keep their phones In addition to the best practices above easy and discreet access to
in their rooms at night. Taking provide strategies to support proper emergency personnel, and
their phone from them at night use of social media, there are other may offer a “safety network”
gives them the opportunity to resources available to help support of trusted family members and
disconnect, which is something parents in safeguarding their children friends. These apps include:
we could all use. online. Circle of 6, MyForce, OnWatch,
• Notifications: Monitor the notifi- • Mobile Carriers Support: Research WatchOverMe, OnCall Defneder,
cations from your child’s apps. your mobile carrier to determine the Where’s My Kid, ReplyASAP.
Constant notification may not parental controls or apps available Although there seems to be a
be necessary or warranted for to you. For example, AT&T has significant risk in app use, the truth
each app. the Smart Limits App, designed to is social media is a valuable tool
• Follow or Friend: Be sure to give the account holder the ability when monitored by adults. It is our
“follow” or “friend” your child to control and monitor cell phone responsibility to have open and honest
as they engage in new social usage. The app allows you to view conversation with our children as well
media apps. Your child needs to text and call activity, receive weekly as monitor their online presence daily.
understand you have a voice in usage reports, and block up to Ultimately, we must be the guiding
their social media presence. thirty numbers. Similar apps are force in navigating the waters of social
• Pictures: Monitor all pictures available to Verizon and TMobile media, modeling digital citizenship,
subscribers. Apple users have the
shared and saved by your ability to turn on Family Sharing, and providing necessary safeguards
child. Always keep the lines of which allows you to approve or to protect our most valuable asset –
communication open and use deny the apps you want your child our children.
this as a platform to have honest to have access to on their phones. For more information, feel free to
conversations. access the resources listed below. You
• Charging Stations: Add a central • Other Parental apps: Whether can also access a short PSA called,
on IOS or Android there are free
charging station in your home. and/or affordable apps you can “Bridging the Digital Gap,” and hear
This is a place where all family download to set a wider range of more on the topic you just read from
members can charge their devices parental controls, such as restrict- the authors by accessing the following
and disconnect for a period of ing and/or limiting apps, websites, link:
time. It can also serve as a hang- usage or browsing to name a few.
out spot for your child and their These apps include: Qustodio,
friends when they visit, while still OurPact, MMGuardian, and
encouraging social interaction. Lock2Learn.
• Research: Stay on top of the lat- • Safety apps: Additionally, there
est technology and social media are free or inexpensive apps
trends. Take an interest in what you can download to increase
your child is engaging in on social a sense of security for both the
media and don’t be afraid to ask parent and child. Downloading
100 Social Media Statistics You'll Want to See (2017). Blue Corona, 27 Nov. 2017,
Chen, Brian X. Apple Registers Trademark for 'There's an App for That'. Wired, Conde Nast, 4 June 2017, www.wired.
Connected Families. Family Online Safety Institute,
Digital Citizenship and Social Media Safety. Smart Social, 18 Jan. 2018,
Footprint Friday: Monitor The Online Footprint of Your Student. Smart Social,
Wait Until 8th,
You Be the Parent. We'll Help You Do It. Protect Children from Meeting Strangers Online with SaferKid™,
Educational Viewpoints -68- Spring 2018