Page 69 - EdViewptsSpring2018-web_Neat
P. 69

2.  VSCO: While similar to          9.  Omegel: This interactive app   Risk Factors
                Instagram, this app does not         automatically pair users with
                require the user to actually         one another allowing them to   Apps do pose various risks for our youth
                obtain an account to view            chat, and usually the other user   today, but so does allowing our teens to
                postings. Additionally, there        is a stranger.                 drive when they get their license. Some
                is no “like” button or a place                                      of the most common risks when using
                to comment. Because of this,   Other apps to consider include: Line,   social media include the following:
                users are much more likely to   Blendr/Tinder, Monkey, Secret, and   •   Privacy: Children and teens should
                post bolder photos because     ASKfm.                                   have private accounts. If a private
                there are no documented        Live Streaming apps: Live                account is not available, that app
                repercussions.                 Streaming apps should also               is NOT for them.
             3.  Sarahah: An app, typically linked   be monitored or kept private if   •   Followers: Do not allow your child
                with SnapChat, that allows users   applicable. Live Streaming apps      or teens to have any followers
                to anonymously comment and     differ from the aforementioned apps      they do not personally know or
                rate your photos; however, the   in that they allow videos/images       interact with on a regular basis. A
                recipient does not have access   to be shared “live” versus video       good barometer is understanding
                to know who sent the comment,   or photos that could have been          your child's true circle of friends.
                nor has the opportunity to     taken days/weeks prior. Some of          For instance, do they have more
                respond.                       the most current and widely used         followers or friends than their
             4.  KIK: This is a private messag-  live streaming apps consist of the     inner circle or perhaps more than
                                               following: Periscope, HouseParty,
                ing app. It has managed to land   YouNow, Broadcast Me, Meerkat,        their entire school? If so then their
                itself on some of the Parent’s   Twitch, UStream, Streamago.            account is not truly private.
                “worst apps” lists due to its   Additionally, other forms of live    •   Location Services: Whether you
                ability to have you connect with   streaming, that can be kept more     refer to it as location services,
                people outside of your phone   private, consist of the use of           GPS, geolocater or the like, apps
                list. Think of it as text messag-  FaceTime, Google Hangouts, Skype     should never have access to your
                ing with virtually anyone.     and WECHAT. It is important to           child’s location. When this feature
             5.  SoundCloud and Musically:     remember though that everything          is turned on, your child could post
                These apps are believed to be   streamed through the internet has       a picture or video and anyone
                “safe”, where users create and   the ability to be accessed - even if   with access will also know their
                share music. However, the di-  you think it is private.                 location. That even means if their
                rect messaging feature, if used,                                        posting from home strangers
                allows for users to contact each   Locked apps: While every app         could have your home address!
                other, creating chat streams.   requires a username and password
             6.  MarcoPolo: This app, is a cross   there are apps specifically designed   Social Media Best Practices
                                               to store or conceal information. Many
                between Snapchat and Voxer,    of these apps do have a purpose in   Simply put, you are the parent. As a
                and is considered a video walkie-  the interest of safety and security;   parent you need to have full access to
                talkie app. While it is similar to   however there are some that target   your child’s social media accounts and
                Snapchat, MarcoPolo does save   teens and allow them to hide inap-  passwords. You need to be able to ac-
                your videos so you can continue   propriate photos, videos, or other   cess and look at their devices whenever
                to engage in conversations with   information.                      you want. Their technology devices are
                other users or friends.                                             usually paid by you, the parent, and
             7.  BurnNote: Allowing users to     1.  Vaulty: This app conceals      therefore, it is yours. Treat it that way!
                                                     unlimited photos and videos,
                                                                                    Beyond this point, encourage your child
                send only text messages; this        armed with a “mugshot” feature,   to create a balance between the virtual
                app uses a timer that will erase     capturing photos of anyone who   world and real world communication and
                the messages after the receiver      tries to unlock the app.       socialization. Each child is different and
                views them. The anonymously                                         may require different parameters. As
                timed messages get deleted       2.  Calculator%: This app is an    the parent, you determine their needs
                from both the sender and re-         icon that looks like a normal
                ceiver, and cannot be saved or       calculator, but with a passcode,   and the parameters that need to be set.
                                                                                    Below are some ways to create balance
                have a screen-shot taken.            can hide photos & videos.      and set parameters:
             8.  FireChat: An app that allows you   3.  Hide It Pro: Under the guise of
                to chat, while offline. For parents   an icon and the name “Audio    •  Communication: Have frequent
                who monitor usage through            Manager”, this app essentially,    talks about your digital footprint
                wifi, this app can be a way for      hides photos, videos, music, etc.   and what constitutes as safe,
                children to find a loophole in an                                       private, and appropriate. Discuss
                effort to continue to interact.                                         how these things contribute and
                                                                                        add to a person’s reputation and
                                            Educational Viewpoints       -67-       Spring 2018
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