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why doing so is important. It was with What factors lead to some forms of political. Students also analyze
this thought in mind that the Business social media dying off (e.g., Friendster, author’s purpose by determining the
Department at Lawrence High School Myspace) and others thriving (e.g., credibility of sources and comparing,
designed and implemented a course Facebook, Twitter)? Students explore contrasting, and evaluating differ-
entitled Introduction to Social Media. how the social media world came into ent writing strategies across various
Lawrence Township Public Schools is existence and analyze trends in order social media sites.
a technologically progressive district to hypothesize about the future of the Business Applications and
that has embraced the use of social format, and what implications that has
media for professional learning, culture for society, technology, politics, and Engagement (Three weeks)
building, and public relations. When business. Students identify social media market-
a flurry of simultaneous retirements Legal & Ethical Considerations ing practices and trends in business
brought some unanticipated changes and how different services appeal to
to the district’s ability to staff existing (Three Weeks) different demographic groups. They
courses, we turned problem into What is the difference between behav- study how different companies use
opportunity by shifting a position ior that is legal on social media and be- social media to promote themselves,
to another department and hiring havior that is ethical? Do the lines blur identify target markets, and gauge the
an additional Business teacher. at all when we move from the online effectiveness of social media market-
Introduction to Social Media came space to “IRL” (in real life)? Students ing campaigns.
about as a result of needing additional explore and discuss the protections
curricular offerings to replace the ones and penalties provided by laws, local Conclusion
that could no longer be taught. Given school policy, and individual service While Lawrence High runs this course
the role of social media in our society provider Terms of Service Agreements, out of the Business Department with an
and how the district embraces its use as well as how communities develop emphasis on marketing in the latter por-
to communicate with the local and their own norms and how certain be- tion of the semester, with some revision
global community, it was an addition haviors — whether legal or not — are of focus, this course lends itself just as
that made sense. encouraged or discouraged by com- well to being run as an English, Social
The course is run as a semester-long munities. A favorite student discussion Studies, or Technology elective, at ei-
elective (recently changed from year- topic in this unit is the monitoring of ther the middle or high school level. So
long) out of our Business Department social media accounts and personal much of what the course can and does
and open to all students in Grades mobile device contents by an authority deal with has students grappling with
9-12. The scope and sequence (with figure (schools, employers, etc.) big-picture questions of digital identity,
approximate timelines, on a 60-minute ethics, societal movements, and the
block/drop schedule) is as follows: Peer Presentations disparities between the evolution of
(One Week) technology and the evolution of the law
Digital Identity/Footprint Students develop presentations to that it would be right at home in any of
(Two Weeks) turnkey what they have learned about those departments. Additionally, social
In this unit, students are exposed to digital citizenship and social media to media plays a role in so many current
events that teachers will never want for
the short- and long-term impact posts classmates who are not enrolled in fresh discussion topics or opportunities
can have on their digital presence, the class. This typically ends up being to expand the curriculum.
both negative and positive. Privacy one of the students’ favorite projects
settings, appropriate posts, and the of the year. Not only do they have the Social media, once the reserve of
enormity of how many people are chance to teach what they have just college students and techies, is
actually online and the ways one learned, but they also supplement now at the forefront of the global
small post can be seen by millions of learned knowledge with personal social, technological, and political
people are discussed. Among other stories and examples from their own landscapes. To disregard, ignore,
activities related to assessing their social media experiences that tend to or otherwise underestimate the
“Googleability”, students aged 16 and hit home with their audience. importance of learning to navigate
older create LinkedIn accounts. This this form of media in a thoughtful,
drives their names toward the top Media Analysis and the deliberate manner is to do our
of Google results and is a first step Online Voice (Six Weeks) students a substantial disservice.
toward establishing a professional Fake news, urban myths, and propa- If you are interested in learning more
online presence. ganda abound on social media and about this curriculum or modeling a
spread like wildfire. Students analyze similar class in your district, please
Historical Perspective and critique various forms of media visit to see our
(Three Weeks) and the many rhetorical techniques complete curriculum document.
How did social media emerge from they use to confirm bias, convey
the “primitive” world of Web 1.0 half-truths, and otherwise promote
communications and connectivity? an agenda, both political and non-
Educational Viewpoints -71- Spring 2018