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Student Choice in the Classroom:

      What We Know About Good Teaching,

      Student Motivation, and Results

      By Brian Donahue, Ed.D., Principal; and Stacey Noonan, Foreign Language
      Teacher, Colts Neck High School.

      Educators and professionals          take ownership over their learning.    •   collaboration

      in the workforce universally         A classroom that promotes student      •   a high level of social capital.
                                           choice and challenges students to
      acknowledge that students            operate on higher levels of cognitive   By infusing choice into the classroom,
                                                                                teachers can support a learning
      need to develop 21st-                demand is characterized by:          environment where students take
      century skills in order to             •   higher-order, open-ended thinking  learning seriously and pursue it
                                                                                vigorously because it aligns with their
                                             •   high academic standards
      be competitive in a rapidly            •   learning from a felt need      passions. Teachers focus their energy
                                                                                on constructing learning experiences
      evolving society. By implement-        •   global citizenship             for their students, and spend less
      ing student choice in the classroom,   •   technology infusion            time preparing direct instruction. A
      teachers can provide their students    •   individual learning paths      classroom that promotes student
      with the academic freedom necessary    •   student responsibility for learning  choice can also make parents partners
      to actively construct knowledge and    •   connected learning             in the learning process. Further,

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -76-       Spring 2018
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