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Teacher Research as Meaningful

          Professional Development: Lessons

          Learned from Research-Engaged

          Teachers in Urban Schools

          By Dante Petretti, Ed.D., Interim Principal, The School of STEM, Paterson, NJ

          Researchers have identified          thinking skills (Kraft, 2002), the   endeavor. These perceived barriers
          many important benefits              development of a deeper, more        are numerous and include, but are
                                               reflective level of knowledge (Lyle,
                                                                                    not limited to, a lack of time, a lack of
          that teachers and schools            2003; McBee, 2004), and increased    resources, and resistance to change.
          receive from conducting              confidence (Kirkwood & Christie,     However, there are some important
                                               2006; Zeichner, 2003). Despite all
                                                                                    steps that administrators can take to
          teacher research. Teacher            the benefits of teacher research as   get a teacher research program off
          research, often times called action   a professional development activity,   the ground. These include identifying
          research, has positive effects such   many teachers and schools have      the research-engaged teachers
          as an increase in content and        a difficult time of getting such a   (RETs) who are already working in
          pedagogical knowledge (Kirkwood      program started. This is often due   their schools and building a positive
          & Christie, 2006; Rinaldo, 2005),    to barriers that administrators and   research culture.
          the development of deeper critical   teachers expect to encounter in the

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