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Not Just a Catchphrase:

      Teacher Leaders are Key

      to School Improvement

      By Brian Kulak, Chief Academic Officer, Collingswood Public Schools

      I’ll admit it: I loathe              actually means something. What’s     more relevant than they are right now

      educational buzzwords                more is that it often means something   as our profession is, finally, starting
                                                                                to evolve from traditional, top-down
                                           different depending on the district.
      and catchphrases. From               For some, a teacher leader is a      leadership to more collaborative,
      rigor to deep dives to meaningful    stipended position, only a Praxis    shared governance.
      conversations, I can’t help but scoff    score away from administration, with   Such shared governance is para-
      at the fact that, more often than not,   tangible leadership responsibilities like   mount to a healthy and thriving school
      folks use such platitudes because    building coverage, schedule creation,   culture. Because administrators
      they feel like they’re supposed to.   or professional development design.   are often hamstrung by state level,
      As if without such platitudes, our   In other schools, a teacher leader is   bureaucratic protocol, it is far too
      very existence in this profession is   recognized as such simply by virtue   common to lose sight of the more
      somehow unqualified. Yet, here I     of the fact that she is an excellent   human needs of their staff. However,
      am, about to espouse the profound    teacher to whom the administration   administrators who are self-aware
      importance of an educational         can turn for ideas, ambassadorship,   enough to admit they need help
      catchphrase: the teacher leader.     or mentorship. In any case, the terms   empower teacher leaders to share
                                           and conditions of teacher leadership
      Unlike so many of its catchphrase    have never been more necessary or    leadership responsibilities on the
      brethren, the term teacher leader                                         way to greater staff support. As a

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -60-       Spring 2018
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