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is easy to do, and supply enough a file of articles on common target
statements on engagement and areas, such as discussion techniques, Whether it is a content
assessment. student-driven assessments, etc., area, grade level or
for quick reference. When there are
Principle 2: If You Are Not multiple areas for recommendations professional area,
Sure, Ask an Expert. within one observation, focus on one such as technology,
No matter how well rounded, all or two specific areas that will have the when you are not
most effect on student achievement.
professionals have areas of expertise. Even when an observation is proficient sure, find someone
When conducting observations, you or distinguished, feedback and recom-
may encounter a practice or strategy mendations should be provided. Offer- who knows and ask for
you are unfamiliar with and therefore ing an enhancement to the lesson, or confirmation.
unsure of the effectiveness. Case in providing the opportunity for a teacher
point, while observing a math lesson to share a specific practice with col- Strategically planning, such as having
you record evidence of the teacher leagues is actionable feedback for the prepared information to support your
communicating the process for an proficient and distinguished teacher. recommendations, developing ques-
equation to the students, you watch tions for the teacher’s self-reflection,
the teacher model and the students Principle 4: Let the Data Drive and anticipating areas of concern from
practice, but Algebraic formulas are Professional Development. the teacher will create a more produc-
not your area of expertise. Following tive conference. It is crucial to listen
the observations, it is best to consult Observation data outlines performance to the teachers' concerns during the
a content specialist to confirm the trends for which targeted areas for conference and allow for meaningful
classroom practices. Whether it improvement, such as specific grade conversation. The conference time
is a content area, grade level or levels or content area, can be identified. provides a wealth of information for not
professional area, such as technology, From the identified areas in need of only the teacher but also for you as the
when you are not sure, find someone improvement, professional development administrator. By encouraging dialogue,
who knows and ask for confirmation. opportunities may emerge. Using the you will also garner information on
observation data to identify professional
Principle 3: Provide Feedback development allows for differentiation of school culture, identify teacher leaders,
With Recommendations. professional development that focuses and even learn from the teachers.
Feedback should focus on improving on identified needs. If, for instance, you Undoubtingly, conducting effective
observations takes time. However,
notice that teachers are consistently
teacher practice as related to student scoring low in the area of discussion just as we ask teachers to invest
achievement and provide actionable during Social Studies classes, you can time in their students, administrators
steps that teachers can implement. develop a professional development must invest time in teachers with
Providing teachers with research arti- session to target this need. Through precise and accurate observations.
cles to solidify your input is helpful. For this process, observation data is utilized I have found that applying these
example, your evidence demonstrated to improve teacher practice that will five principles has helped keep a
that the teacher provided unclear directly improve student learning. positive perspective on observations,
directions and insufficient modeling for allowing observations to move beyond
students before independent practice. Principle 5: Actively Listen compliance and become a valuable
Providing the teacher with an article During Conferences. tool for school improvement.
on Gradual Release of Responsibility,
a video to watch and a blank tem- The post-conference is a time for dia-
plate to outline the lesson is action- logue between you and the staff mem-
able feedback. I find it helpful to keep ber, a forum for an exchange of ideas.
About the Author
Barbara Wilchensky has been an educator for 17 years in the Bridgeton Public School District where
she has served as a teacher, Response to Intervention Supervisor and currently as the Director of
Curriculum of Language Arts Literacy. Barbara attended Farleigh Dickinson University for her graduate
work, where she obtained her Reading Specialist Certificate. She is a graduate of NJ EXCEL and
now mentors candidates in the program. Barbara is passionate about early literacy and believes in
collaborative leadership.
Educational Viewpoints -57- Spring 2018