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All new roles have a learning        organizations that can provide a safe   Reflection is essential for
          curve; embrace it.                   space to ask questions and share     growth.
                                               ideas. Some of these organizations
          When you take on a new role, es-     are at the national level and some   The best leaders and educators
          pecially in a new district, there will   are much more intimately housed at   reflect on their practice, just as the
          be a period of trial and error. Getting   your state or even county level. Do   best writers are constantly editing
          that teacher buy-in and trust takes   not be afraid to reach out. Some of   their work and seeking feedback.
          time; embrace it. Get to know your   my best contacts I gained through    I reflect in a variety of ways. In my
          staff, their interests, what worked well   the organizations I am involved in at   classes, I make daily notes in a unit
          previously and what did not work well.   the county level. Especially if you are   calendar format. As a supervisor, I
          Sometimes there are obvious changes   located in a smaller district where you   have a Google document where I
          that need to be made, and sometimes   may be one of the only administrators   refer back to my action plan for the
          changes are minor. If you do make a   present, having like-minded individuals   year and see how I am doing with my
          mistake, it is okay to admit it! As long   in neighboring districts is a must.  progress. I am honest with myself
          as you devise a plan to improve it for                                    and note where I am excelling and
          next time, teachers will appreciate   Be seen.                            where I need to improve. Surveys
          your honesty.                                                             are another way to gain valuable
                                               Presence is important (especially if   feedback. I use them to improve my
          Let your capacity to lead            you are no longer in the classroom).   instruction as well as to provide more
          guide you.                           Be sure to stay up on best practices   meaningful collaborative meetings
                                               and physically see what is going on in
                                                                                    for the departments I oversee.
          True leaders are first cultivated in the   and outside of classrooms beyond the
          classroom and oftentimes even before   required observations. I make it a point   Never stop growing and
          that. I was fortunate to have my staff   to attend as many of the professional   learning.
          believe in me and see my potential   development workshops our Curricu-
          at a very early age. They provided an   lum Department runs as possible so   Whether you are a first year administra-
          environment where I could grow and   that I know how to best help teachers   tor or are on year 35, there is always
          flourish. Now I aim to do the same   implement new strategies. If a teacher   room for growth. Having an awareness
          for my fellow teachers. Not all teach-  sees you valuing a new initiative, they   of the need for continual professional
          ers aspire to be administrators, but   are more likely to value it too.   development is half the battle. I tell my
          leaders come in all shapes and sizes.                                     students all of the time that the day I
          Whether you are 25 or 65 and taking   Seek quality over quantity.         stop wanting to learn is the day I will
          on your first leadership role, never                                      stop working in education.
          ever let your age define you. Rather,   A great leader is able to see the big   At the end of the day, a strong leader
          let your abilities lead you to greatness.   picture and realizes that powerful   will make it work. Leaders are able to
          An effective leader thinks outside of   and lasting change cannot happen   problem-solve and see where there are
          the box and can provide insight and   overnight. Making a 1 year-2 year-  weak links. They are able to recognize
          empowerment for others.              3 year action plan, even if informal,   their own shortcomings and work with
                                               really helps a leader to focus in on   others to ensure the needs of their
          Make collaboration a priority.       the end goal with a realistic timeline.   teachers and students are being met. If
                                               My role as a Supervisor of Instruction
          I think most of us understand the    has evolved and changed since its    all else fails, when you are having a re-
          importance of collaboration, but     inception four years ago. Each year,   ally trying day, remember this: you were
          sometimes we get bogged down by      I reevaluate what I want to achieve   chosen for a reason. Make it count.
          paperwork and emails and forget to   and ensure I still have a strong focus.
          elicit the help of others when making   While it is okay for a focus to shift
          decisions. Not only is it important to   depending on the needs of a school,
          collaborate with your staff and other   it is also important to see something
          key stakeholders, but also there is   through. Impactful change requires
          an even bigger realm of professional   time and commitment.

           About the Author

                         Nicole Thompson is in her fourth year as K-12 Supervisor of Instruction for the Elmwood Park Public
                         School District where she also teaches Junior Honors British Literature and Senior AP Literature and
                         Composition. Prior to her administrative role, she was a High School English Language Arts Teacher.
                         She received her Bachelor's Degree in English and Secondary Education as well as her Master’s
                         Degree in English from The College of New Jersey and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership
                         from William Paterson University. Her passion is in curriculum studies and instructional best strategies,
           and she is never found without a book in her hand.

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