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I’m New: What Did I Just Do?

      How to Make a Positive Impact as

      a Newly Minted Administrator

      By Nicole Thompson, K-12 Supervisor of Instruction, Elmwood Park Public Schools

      Think back to your first day         office. To be honest, I was fortunate to   From being in this unique situation,
                                           have a very easy transition due to my   I have learned what teachers really
      as a teacher. Endless hours were     amazing support staff and their belief   want of their administrative team
      spent preparing your course materials   in me as a leader. However, even   and what we want in return. Even if
      and resources. Perhaps you were      with the full backing of administration,   you are an administrator no longer
      anxious of how your students would   we all have curveballs thrown at us.   in a classroom, it is important to
      react to you. Then, of course, there   Tack on a situation where there is a   remember your roots. Believe me,
      was picking the perfect outfit. All of   lack of support, and the loneliness   teachers appreciate it. It is also
      this may seem distant to you now, but   factor of being at the top may seem   important to remember that you
      the first days as a new administrator   insurmountable. For the first time, your   cannot please everyone, no matter
      are not all that different from those of   teacher support system is missing and   how effective of a leader you are. And
      a new teacher or even a new student.   that initial separation can be daunting.   that is okay. By keeping the following
      So how do you ensure those first few   As an administrator still in a     points in mind, regardless of what
      days, weeks, and even years as a new   teaching role (I teach two HS      stage you are in as an administrator,
      administrator are meaningful?        English courses), I have the best    but most importantly as a new
      As a fourth year supervisor looking   of both worlds: I lead by example.   one, you will be on the right track
      back, I have experienced tremendous   Whatever I expect of my teachers,   for fostering a positive culture and
      growth from that first day in my new   I expect of myself (and then some).   environment within your building(s):

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