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result, teacher leaders begin to seek and circumstance, a special parking
opportunities to lead, whether through spot, or even a formal title. Rather, ..our best teacher
their content expertise, their innovative the subtleties of identification can leaders are often those
instruction, their specific skill set, or make all the difference. Take note
their desire to get better. Finally, when of in whose room “lunch bunches” who just want to get
administrators and teacher leaders often form, pay particular attention better and are willing
work together to improve, a natural to pre and post conference discus- to do whatever it takes
and necessary shift in dynamic occurs. sions that are particularly reflective,
Watch, then, as staff begins to support create opportunities during staff and to invite colleagues on
ideas pitched by teacher leaders, department meeting for teachers to that journey.
begins to support each other overtly, share great things happening in their
and begins to find a collective voice it classes, and see who volunteers. Ask
may not have known it had. with genuine interest what staff thinks teacher leaders can work with the
about a particular initiative or idea confidence that comes from genuine
Identifying Our Leaders and listen to who speaks up. administrative support.
On the surface, identifying someone However we identify our teacher Creating a Space to Lead
as a teacher leader speaks to her leaders, identification is only the first
ability to inspire, to innovate, and to step. Whether in form or function, it Progressive and positive school
collaborate, all of which we want from would be irresponsible for us to tab leadership teams create a space for
our teachers. She has great ideas, someone as a teacher leader and then teacher leaders to emerge. However,
is willing to share them and to take cut her loose. In order for our teacher it’s not teacher buy-in of administrative
instructional risks based on them, and leaders to thrive, it is imperative that ideas that supports teacher leaders;
is the person to whom we most often we model and support the kind of in fact, it’s the opposite. Developing a
turn when we need a mentor for new leadership that defines healthy and shared consciousness, which invites
staff. If she had a theme song, it would thriving school cultures. teachers to say, “Have we thought
be “Walk This Way” by Aerosmith. about trying it this way?” or “I have this
However, in identifying this teacher Leading the Leaders idea that I want to run by you,” rather
leader as such, don’t we inadvertently The most crucial step in supporting than waiting for the next administra-
reduce other teachers to something teacher leaders is modeling the kind tive edict to add to their already full
lesser, something generic? Shouldn’t all of leadership in which the district plates, provides teacher leaders with
teachers be willing to share, to compare, believes. Without a clear picture of the a platform from which to lead. Sadly,
and to reflect on their practice as a administration’s leadership philosophy, such a platform is so often missing in
matter of professional course? Aren’t all we will attract the wrong folks for the schools in which a top-down, archaic
teachers extroverted “edu-rock stars” wrong reasons to leadership positions. leadership model is still the norm.
(catchphrase alert!) who can’t wait Rather, administrators have to invest Consider, too, that beyond the state
to lead their colleagues to greatness themselves in the kind of collaborative mandated trainings and mindless red
simply by existing on the same plane? and reflective practice we expect from tape lies a trove of staff ideas that
Clearly, we know that not all teachers our teachers. We have to be able to be remains undiscovered without teacher
are leaders, and that’s okay, too. willing to view ourselves and our school leaders who have their fingers on the
collective pulse of the staff and who
A common mistake in identifying our from the staff’s perspective, to admit have the confidence to bring it to the
teacher leaders is assuming our when something isn’t working, and to administration’s attention.
teacher leaders are aspiring admin- take tangible steps toward improvement. Finally, an often overlooked expres-
istrators, willing to act as surrogates The next step is twofold: invite sion of teacher leadership has little,
as they pursue leadership certifica- teacher leaders to address that if anything, to do with curriculum or
tion. While that may be the case, our which is important to staff and be instruction. Rather, so many of our
best teacher leaders are often those prepared to get out of the way. For teacher leaders have an innate ability
who just want to get better and are some administrators, the latter is to act as a sounding board for their
willing to do whatever it takes to invite often a deal breaker; after all, we colleagues. Regardless of the concern
colleagues on that journey. Further- joined administrative teams to be for or the tenure of the concerned par-
more, even the perception that those the leaders, not to give way to them, ty, teacher leaders are able, if not de-
tabbed as teacher leaders are toeing right? However, it is precisely this self- sirous, to listen with confidentiality, to
an imperceptible line between staff awareness that allows our teachers process with empathy, and to lead with
and administration is enough to keep to see us as members of the same aplomb. Consider how many crises of
teachers from pursuing leadership team rather than as managers barking confidence have been mitigated, how
opportunities. orders from the dugout. Because the many questions have been answered,
In order for such shared governance administration has made it clear that it and how many pep talks have been
to work, identifying our teacher values its staff and each other, and is given about which administration is
leaders should not come with pomp committed to a reciprocal relationship, wholly unaware because a teacher
Educational Viewpoints -61- Spring 2018