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Cultural Awareness and Leadership

      By Robert J. Andrews, Ed.D., Teacher and Dissertation Supervisor,
      Saint Peter's University

      “We do not hear through              our beliefs. The experiences, views   are in an environment where there is
                                           of the world, traditions, etc. students   minimal cultural diversity, business
      our ears or see through our  bring with them to school are valuable       is conducted with few disturbances.
      eyes. We do both through             and important. Through their culture   All are in sync. All understand “the
      our beliefs.” (Delpit, 2006,         they are able to make sense of what   unwritten rules of the social game”
                                                                                (Hofstede, Hofstede, Minkov, 2010 p.
                                           they encounter in school and have the
      p. 46).                              ability to respond to problems.      6). The expectations learned at home

      Culture is the lens through which    Most times, the student’s world view or   and through community development
                                                                                are understood with few questions.
      we view the world. It is our shared   cultural perspective is a silent agent that   School leaders, teachers, parents,
      group and individual experiences,    operates automatically and is helpful   and students share an understanding
      the “shared motives, values, beliefs,   in processing information, promoting   of expectations. Being from the
      identities, and interpretations or   learning, and guiding behavior. When   same culture, the path to academic
      meanings of significant events that   students find themselves in a new   success and achievement is clear and
      result from common experiences       cultural arena that conflicts with theirs,   undisputed. We can recognize this in
      of members of collectives that are   learning can be short-circuited and   culturally homogeneous communities.
      transmitted across generations”      behavior may change. When this       When we enter a culturally diverse
      (House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorfman,    occurs, the silent agent is awakened   school environment things change.
      & Gupta, 2004, p. 15). It is also “the   and needs our attention.         The way students and their families
      ways in which a people have learned   As educators, and as importantly    view the world, how they process
      to respond to life’s problems “ (Diller   as leaders, we also bring our silent   information, their expressive language,
      and Moule 2005, p. 66). Culture is   agent to the work place. When we

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