Page 16 - PBA Medicine list - edition 5_SW_Neat
P. 16

By Ghezal Zobair

               Generic Name: Lidocaine

               Brand names: Xylocaine, Lignocaine

               Side effects/precautions:

               Nervousness;  dizziness;  blurred  vision;  tremor;  drowsiness;  tinnitus;  numbness;  paraesthesisa;
               sensory disturbance; disorientation; GI upset; convulsion; unconsciousness; respiratory depression,
               arrest;  hypotension;  CV  collapse;  bradycardia;  allergic  reaction  incl  anaphylaxis,  bronchospasm,


                   •  Lidocaine (lignocaine) should be given with great caution to patients with severe bradycardia,
                       cardiac conduction disturbances or severe digitalis intoxication.
                   •  Lignocaine (lignocaine) and/or its metabolites may accumulate during prolonged or repeated
                       administration in patients with hepatic, renal or cardiac diseases. However, this is unlikely to
                       occur at the doses normally used in dentistry.
                   •  Lignocaine (lignocaine) should be used with caution in patients with known drug sensitivities.
                       Patients  allergic  to  ester  derivatives  of  para-aminobenzoic  acid  (procaine,  tetracaine,
                       benzocaine etc.) have not shown cross sensitivity to agents of the amide type.


               Antiarrhythmics  (eg  mexiletine);  amiodarone;  AEDs  (eg  phenytoin,  phenobarbital,  primidone,
               carbamazepine);  TCAs;  phenothiazines;  butyrophenones;  ergot-type  oxytocic  agents;  adrenergic
               neuron  blockers  (eg  guanethidine,  debrisoquine,  bethanidine);  cardiac  glycosides;  β-blockers  (eg
               propranolol); hypoglycaemics; quinidine; inhalational anaesthetics eg N2O; halogenated compounds
               incl chloroform, halothane, cyclopropane, trichlorethylene; structurally related agents; certain metals
               eg needles.

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