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Acquisitions Editor: Maree Marks
               Managing Editor: Steven Walmsley
               Marketing Manager: Steven Walmsley
               Production Editor: Steven Walmsley
               Designer: Steven Walmsley

               Copyright: 2020 Millennium Prayer Publishing House

               All rights reserved.  This book is protected by copyright.  No part of this book may be reproduced
               in any form or by any means, including photocopying, or utilised by any information or storage
               retrieval system without written permission from the copyright owner.  Please ask the
               Pharmacology for Podiatry Students 2020 nicely first.

               Millennium Prayer Publishing House is not responsible (as a matter of product liability, negligence
               or otherwise) for any injury resulting from any material contained herein.  This well respected
               publication contains really important information that every podiatrist should know about
               pharmacology; it should not be consumed as specific instruction for individual patients.
               Manufacturer’s product information and package inserts should be reviewed for current
               information, including contraindications, dosages and precautions.

               Printed electronically in Sydney, Australia.

               First edition, 2016

               Second edition, 2017
               Third edition, 2018

               Fourth edition, 2019

               Fifth edition, 2020

               The publishers have made every effort to trace the copyright holders of original material (mainly
               MIMs) to let them know that it has been repurposed for Pharmacology for Podiatrists.

               ISBN: 0891 50 50 50

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