Page 3 - DCH Charitable Foundation Brochure FINAL
P. 3


             TO SAVE LIVES

             At seventeen, I had no idea that one of the greatest threats to my safety
             was parked in our driverway.

                                               I can still recall the nervous anticipation   distractions, and the failure to buckle
                                               of taking my road test on my seven-  up.  We advocate for the importance
                                               teenth birthday. Passing would inaugu-  of enforcing graduated driver license
                                               rate a rite of passage that I had spent   restrictions and the crucial role parents
                                               hours dreaming about - finally having   play in their child’s driver education.
                                               a license to drive.  I’m sure that hasn’t   Through programming, messaging,
                                               changed for many teens.  At seventeen, I   and advocacy, we are making a positive
                                               also had no idea that one of the greatest   impact on the lives of tens of thousands
                                               threats to my safety was parked in our   of teens and adults each year.
                                                                                 I am proud of the work we do. I am
                                               In 2008 DCH began researching dif-  proud of every teen we nurture to take
                                               ferent medical and social epidemics   a positive stand and make produc-
                                               to identify a cause that would be the   tive choices around critical issues in
                                               primary focus of DCH Auto Group’s phi-  their lives. I’m equally proud that this
                                               lanthropy.  That’s when we learned car   Foundation is recognized as one of the
                                               crashes are the leading cause of death   country’s leaders in advocating teen
                                               for teens in the United States.  That year   safe driving.  And, I am grateful for the
                                               DCH Auto Group made a commitment   generous support from our sponsors
                                               to help change that.              and the strong relationships with our
             Through programming,                                                parallel partners.  We are a young Foun-
             messaging, and advocacy, we       We began a small pilot program in   dation and our work has just begun, but
                                                                                 already we’re making a difference.
                                               partnership with SADD and just three
             are making a postive impact       high schools. Today we have the vital fi-
             on the lives of tens of thou-     nancial support of DCH Auto Group and
             sands of teens and adults         the personal commitment of many DCH
                                               employees who work side-by-side with
             each year.                        teens and parents.  Support for our work
                                               extends to many auto industry partners
                                               and multiple non-profit and govern-
                                               ment organizations, all who share a pas-  Roy Bavaro
                                               sion for helping teens stay safe.   We are   Executive Director
                                               a robust charitable foundation staying
                                               focused on the reason so many teens
                                               are dying in crashes:  inexperience,

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