Page 6 - DCH Charitable Foundation Brochure FINAL
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The DCH Auto Group Charitable Foundation formed a unique partnership with Students Against
Destructive Decisions (SADD) to further its safe driving message.
DCH-supported chapters have
become some of SADD’s most
successful and thriving chap-
ters, exposing thousands of
teens and their parents to safe
driving education and aware-
ness activities. The DCH Auto
Group Charitable Foundation
has become a model of mean-
ingful corporate investment
in the community.
- Penny Wells, CEO, SADD
The cornerstone of our work with teen drivers is our affiliation with Group dealerships.
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD).
Additionally, each year the DCH Auto Group Charitable Founda-
A major component of the Foundation is DCH Auto Group’s sup- tion sponsors SADD students and advisors to attend the SADD
port of SADD chapters. DCH Auto Group is the exclusive automo- National Conference. The SADD National Conference is a valuable
tive dealer sponsor of SADD in New Jersey, southern New York, opportunity for SADD chapter leaders. It provides teens with
and southern California, and has agreed to help launch SADD information about youth safety, such as driving safety, and tools to
chapters in local area schools. Their goal is to help these schools bring back to their chapters so students can help each other avoid
develop successful, sustainable chapters, and to raise awareness destructive decisions. This peer to peer interaction is critical to
about important behavioral decisions that can impact a drivers making smart driving socially acceptable among teens.
ability to safely operate a vehicle.
To further extend this relationship, Foundation President Susan
Through this agreement, DCH Auto Group provides both financial Scarola serves as Treasurer of SADD and a member of the organi-
support and support from its employees. DCH supports over 30 zation’s Board of Directors.
SADD chapters at local middle and high schools near DCH Auto