Page 2 - Cataloging and Classification for Library Technicians, 2nd Edition
P. 2
Mary Liu Kao, PhD
Cat a loging
and Clas si fi ca tion
for Li brary Tech ni cians
Sec ond Edi tion
fields, and indicators. There is also in -
formation on how to search OCLC,
Pre-pub li ca tion which was not included in the previous
REVIEWS, edi tion.
COMMENTARIES, The chap ter con cern ing is sues and
EVALUATIONS . . . trends has also been ex panded to in -
clude outsourcing, co op er a tion among
li brar ies, and the Dub lin Core, which
“L ast fall our LTA program used provides a core set of metadata el ements
the first edition of Cat a loging
and Clas si fi ca tion for Li brary Tech ni cians that can be used to cat alog Internet re-
as one of the textbooks for our Intro- sources.
duc tion to Tech ni cal Ser vices course. Dr. Kao has ex panded the trends to
We were so im pressed with this edi - in clude the fol low ing: on line cat a log ing
tion that we de cided to use it as will be per formed by the small est li brar-
the only textbook for sub sequent ies, LTAs will be hired to replace li brari-
classes. The revised edi tion of the book ans to do cat a log ing, and cat a log ing
is very im pressive. An ad ditional chap - departments will be merged into auto-
ter, ‘Cat aloging on Computers,’ has ma tion de part ments be cause of the
been added and the ex planation on the chang ing nature of the profession. This
MARC format is quite good. Students may al low LTAs to be cross-trained to
and practicing LTAs will un derstand perform other tasks in the tech nical ser -
the var i ous tags and in di ca tors as so ci - vices area.”
ated with a MARC record. The chap ter
contains good examples of books, Karen DeLoatch, MLS, MA
video record ings, se ri als, and com- In terim Li brary Di rec tor/
puter disks cat aloged in MARC for- LTA Pro gram Co or di na tor,
mat. Kao also gives the reader a guide Cap i tal Com mu nity Col lege,
to the commonly used MARC tags, Hart ford, CT