Page 4 - Cataloging and Classification for Library Technicians, 2nd Edition
P. 4

More pre-pub li ca tion
                                 REVIEWS, COMMENTARIES, EVALUATIONS . . .

                                 classification. The book has two nota-
                                 ble chap ters: a chap ter de voted to copy
                                 cataloging with all sources for copy
                                 cataloging (LC, CIP, OCLC, com mer-
                                 cial sources, and the Internet); and a
                                 whole new chap ter on cat aloging on
                                 computers that deals with the MARC
                                 format and copy and orig inal cat alog-
                                 ing on com puters. In the last chap ter,
                                 on is sues and trends, Kao has up dated
                                 the book to discuss outsourcing and
                                 the Dublin Core, two very hot top ics in
                                 the li brary world for the past few
                                 years. I highly recommend this book
                                 to in struc tors and li brary tech ni cians
                                 to be used in tech nical ser vices de part-
                                 ments for train ing and cat aloging.”
                                 Mar ga ret K. Wang
                                 Co or di na tor of Orig i nal
                                 Cat a loging and Au thor ity Con trol,
                                 Bib lio graphic Con trol De part ment,
                                 Uni ver sity of Del a ware Li brary,
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