Page 3 - Cataloging and Classification for Library Technicians, 2nd Edition
P. 3

More pre-pub li ca tion
                                 REVIEWS, COMMENTARIES, EVALUATIONS . . .
                                       aving taught with the pre vi-
                                 “H    ous 1995 edi tion of Dr. Kao’s “T  eachers of cat aloging are re-
                                                                     nowned for the demands they
                                 text, I was pleased to see the new edi -  make upon their stu dents. Dr. Mary
                                 tion come for ward. The ma terials are  Kao’s book dem onstrates that she, a
                                 presented in a clear and se quential  long-time pro fes sor of cat a log ing, is
                                 fashion that lays the groundwork and  even more de manding of her self. Her
                                 pro vides con text for the cat a log ing pro-  book in cludes ev erything a stu dent
                                 cess within a li brary. Li brary ser vices  could want. Kao introduces her topic in
                                 and the man agement of col lections  the con text of li brary or ga ni za tion, the
                                 have changed dra matically with the  role of tech nical as sistants, and the
                                 advent of the dig ital era, and many  func tions of cat a log ing  and clas si fi ca -
                                 libraries are in a pe riod of ex tended
                                 tran si tion pro vid ing ac cess  to both  tion. She defines relevant terms near
                                 phys i cal  and vir tual  re sources. The  the be ginning of ev ery chap ter and
                                 new edi tion of this text addresses these  gives de tailed ci tations to the resources
                                 changes di rectly in a new chap ter de -  upon which catalogers rely. In ad dition
                                 voted to computerized cataloging.  to the latest edi tions of old standards
                                    The dual strength of this text book is  like AACR2R, LC, DDC, Sears, and
                                 its at tention to the standards and orga-  Cutter, she furnishes the URLs of Web
                                 ni za tional con cepts that tran scend the  sites that complement and up date the
                                 technology of the day while bringing  print clas sics. Her review questions test
                                 for ward rel e vant  ex am ples  and ex er-  whether or not the student has grasped
                                 cises that dem on strate prac ti cal ap pli -  both concept and prac tice.
                                 cations for li brary tech nicians. The new   Or ga nized  to pro mote  learn ing
                                 chap ter de voted to cat a log ing on com-  through its treatment of all is sues re -
                                 puters is in troduced only af ter sec tions  lated to cat a log ing  and clas si fi ca tion,
                                 out lin ing  de scrip tive cat a log ing, sub-  and gen erous in the ex amples pro-
                                 ject anal y sis,  and clas si fi ca tion  have  vided, Cat a loging and Clas si fi ca tion for
                                 been pre sented.  Ex am ple  re cords are  Li brary  Tech ni cians  will sat isfy the
                                 well cho sen to dem onstrate the breadth  needs of both stu dents and ev eryday
                                 of phys i cal ma te ri als that li brary tech-  prac ti tio ners.”
                                 nicians will be called on to cat alog as
                                 well as Internet resources.    Vincent Juliano, MSLS, MA
                                    The fi nal chap ter on is sues and  Di rec tor,
                                 trends un derscores the dy namic na -  Waterford Pub lic Li brary,
                                 ture of li braries in gen eral, and cat a-  Con nect i cut
                                 loging in par ticular, and should lead
                                 to lively discussion among students
                                 as to the pros and cons of is sues such
                                 as outsourcing.
                                    I recommend Dr. Kao’s new edi -
                                 tion as the principal text in a Library
                                 Tech ni cal As so ci ate pro gram and as a
                                 ref er ence tool for li brary tech ni cians  imilar to the first edition, Mary
                                 in a work ing cat a log de part ment.”  “S  Kao’s Cat a loging  and Clas si fi ca -
                                                                tion for Li brary Tech ni cians, Sec ond Edi -
                                 Sharon Quinn Fitz gerald, MSLS
                                 Head of Se rials               tion, is a good reference and training
                                 and Li brary Web Man ager,     tool for cat a log ing li brary  tech ni cians,
                                 Fogler Li brary,               with ex ten sive ex pla na tion of tools used
                                 Uni ver sity of Maine,         in cat a log ing: de scrip tive  cat a log ing,
                                 Orono                          subject headings (LC and Sears), and
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