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Surgery                                                                                                                Case series

         Kinematic alignment technique in total knee                                                                            Heterotopic ossification after total hip

         arthroplasty                                                                                                           arthroplasty

       Dr. Santoshkumar                                           Minimizes the stress on ligaments by decreasing the         Dr. Raghuvansh Kumar                                       II revision surgery  [2]
                                                                  anatomical change of bone
       Hakkalamani                                                Safe   and   accurate   approach   with   generic           Pandey                                                     The patient reported with recurrent left hip pain 1.5
                                                                                                                                                                                         years after first revision, with an elevated CRP level
                                                                  instrumentation  [1]                                                                                                   (range: 0.7-2.6mg/dL).
       Joint Replacement and Arthroscopy
                                                                  Preserves the original knee kinetics  [1]  and improves     HOD - Orthopedics &  Joint Replacement                     A second revision surgery was then performed via a
       BGS Global Gleneagles Hospitals, Bengaluru                 knee balance  [2]
                                                                                                                              Venkateshwar hospital, New Delhi                           posterior approach.
                                                                  Better  soft-tissue  tension    and  provides  a  more                                                                 The surgeon excised the scar tissue, removed existing
       Introduction                                               normal feeling knee than those treated with MA  [3]         Introduction                                               osteophytes  and  excessive  cement  around  the
                                                                                                                                                                                         proximal site of the stem to allow the removal of the
       Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is the definitive surgical    Clinical evidence                                           Heterotopic ossification (HO) is any bone formation         well-fixed femoral stem.
       option for advanced osteoarthritis of knee.  [1]
                                                                  Following  is  the  compilation  of  a  deluge  of  clinical   in  the  soft  tissues  that  develops  after  surgery  or   Antibiotic prophylaxis  [2]  Outcome  [2]
       There  is  a  high  dissatisfaction  rates  of  up  to  20%   evidence derived from studies involving KA-TKA:          without a well-defined precipitating event.   [1]
       reported in uncomplicated TKA [1] and this leads to a                                                                                                                               Oral antibiotics were   At the latest follow-up, the
       search for accurate recreation of the constitutional (or       Study      Study design      Conclusion                 Prevalence and etiology                                                              patient did not report any
       pre-arthritic) alignment of the knee  [2]                                                                                                                                           prescribed (minocycline +
                                                                   Hsu et al.   Prospective study to   All five knee phenotypes   The reported rates of HO after total hip arthroplasty     sulfamethoxazole-       left hip pain, and the CRP
       The kinematic alignment (KA) technique in TKA aims          (2020)      assess clinical   significantly improved        (THA) range widely from 2% to 90%,  [1]                      trimethoprim) to the patient   level remained within the
                                                                                               functional outcomes with a
                                                                               outcome in 122
       to  restore  the  native  alignment  of  the  knee  joint               patients (139 knees)  total survival rate of 99.3%                                                          for 3 months after      normal range for >3years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The patient’s hip function
       anatomy  based  on  the  five  most  common  knee                                        at 3-year follow-up.  [1]      Although  the  cause  of  HO  remains  unclear,              II revision surgery.    improved, and the PJI was
       phenotypes.   [1]                                           MacDessi et al.   Randomized   Restoring the constitutional   periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) after THA is often                           controlled following two
                                                                   (2020)      superiority trial   alignment with KA in TKA   implicated.   [2]                                                                    revision surgeries.
                                                                               comparing KA to   results in a statistically
       Surgical protocol                                                       MA in a total of 125   significant improvement in   Radiation  and  NSAIDs  are  effective  aids  for
                                                                               patients (138 knees)  quantitative knee balance  [2]  prophylaxis of HO.
       Individualized  alignment  targets  are  set  for  each                                 KA group had less bone recuts                                                             Conclusion
       patient according to each patient’s knee phenotype to                                   and tibiofemoral lift-offs  [2]
                                                                                               compared to MA group.
       perform KA-TKA. (Figure 1)   [1]                                                                                       Operative Intervention                                     The  management  of  HO  in  the  presence  of  PJI  is
                                                                   Howell et al.   Level III 10-year   KA-TKA did not adversely                                                          difficult.  [2]
                                                                   (2018)      follow-up study   affect the implant survival,   Though an effective option, surgical excision should
                          Type I (Neutral)  No adjustment                      involving 217   yearly revision rate and level   be  considered  only  for  patients  with  functional    In such cases, a dual approach to the hip has to be
                                                                               patients (222 knees)  of function                                                                         practised to enhance clearance of the HO.  [2]
                                                                                                                              deficits as a result of HO.   [3]
                                                                  Conclusion                                                                                                             Antibiotics  should  be  administered  intravenously
                                           LDFA: 87                                                                           Timing  of  intervention  is  different  for  different
                         Type II (Neutral)                                                                                                                                               following THA, with consideration of additional oral
                                           MPTA: 87
                                                                  Evidence  supports  the  restoration  of  knee  joint       etiologies.  For  HO  following  THA,  early  excision  is   antibiotics for patients with a PJI.  [2]
                                                                  alignment  with  individualized  target  according  to      recommended  as  it  allows  better  differentiation  of
                                           LDFA: 87-90
          Original                        MPTA: 85-87             original knee phenotype establishing KA as a viable         the ectopic bone from normal callus and scar at the        References
                          Type III (Varus)
         phenotype                      Medial soft tissue relase  alternative to MA.                                         operated site. [3]
                                        Reduction osteotomy
                                                                                                                                                                                         1.  Iorio,  Richard  MD;  Healy,  William  L.  MD  Heterotopic
                                           LDFA: 90-93            References                                                                                                             Ossification  After  Hip  and  Knee  Arthroplasty:  Risk  Factors,
                          Type IV (Varus)  MPTA: 85-87                                                                        Case report of a complex HO                                Prevention, and Treatment, Journal of the American Academy of
                                        Medial soft tissue relase
                                        Reduction osteotomy       1. Hsu et al. Total knee arthroplasty according to the original knee   I revision surgery  [2]                         Orthopaedic Surgeons: November 2002 - Volume 10 - Issue 6 - p
                                                                  phenotypes with kinematic alignment surgical technique—early                                                           409-416
                                           LDFA: 87               clinical  and  functional  outcomes.  BMC  Musculoskeletal   A 78-year-old male patient who underwent cemented         2.  Yutaka  Kinoshita,  Shunji  Nakano,  Shinji  Yoshioka,  Masaru
                          Type V (Valgus)  MPTA: 90               Disorders (2020) 21:839                                                                                                Nakamura, Tomohiro Goto, Daisuke Hamada, Koichi Sairyo, "A
                                        Lateral soft tissue relase                                                            THA, 17 years earlier reported with severe HO.             Rare  Case  of  Extremely  Severe  Heterotopic  Ossification  after
                                                                  2.  MacDessi SJ, Griffiths-Jones W, Chen DB, et al. Restoring the
       Figure 1- Target angles of LDFA and MPTA according to original phenotype of knee  constitutional  alignment  with  a  restrictive  kinematic  protocol   Revision  THA  was  performed  using  a  direct  lateral   Primary  Total  Hip  Arthroplasty  due  to  Persistent  Mild
         Abbreviations: LDFA-lateral distal femur angle; MPTA- medial proximal tibial angle                                   approach.                                                  Periprosthetic Joint Infection", Case Reports in Orthopedics, vol.
                                                                  improves  quantitative  soft-tissue  balance  in  total  knee                                                          2021, Article ID 8849929, 7 pages, 2021.
       KA-TKA Advantages                                          arthroplasty:  a  randomized  controlled  trial.  Bone  Joint  J.   The surgeon excised the HO, removed the loosened   3.  Ranganathan  K,  Loder  S,  Agarwal  S,  et  al.  Heterotopic
                                                                                                                              acetabular  cup  and  fibrous  tissue,  and  placed  an     Ossification:  Basic-Science  Principles  and  Clinical  Correlates
       Restores the pre-arthritic knee joint by resecting bones   3.  Howell SM, Shelton TJ, Hull ML. Implant Survival and Function   allograft.                                         [published correction appears in J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015 Sep
       parallel to the joint line of the femur and tibia   [1]    Ten Years After Kinematically Aligned Total Knee Arthroplasty. J                                                       2;97(17):e59.
                                                                  Arthroplasty. 2018;33(12):3678-3684.                        Femoral stem was not replaced due to hip ankyloses.
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