Page 5 - OrthoFeed_2nd edition
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Thromboprophylaxis    Management

 Oral thromboprophylaxis in hip and knee   Painful TKA secondary to metal cutaneous

 arthroplasty patients  sensitivity

 Evidence-based outcomes
 Dr. Ashok Suryavanshi  Dr. Hemant Mandovra                       ‐  A  prospective  review  demonstrated  improved
 A  metanalysis  involving  20,618  patients  indirectly          outcomes following revision total knee arthroplasty
 compared rivaroxaban and dabigatran for prevention               to a hypoallergenic component.  [1]
 M.S.Ortho,  Joint Replacement  Joint Replacement Surgeon
 of VTE after total hip or knee arthroplasty (THA, TKA)
 Marina Grand Hospital, Surat  [2]  Medicare Hospital and Research Centre, Indore  ‐  Following revision, the reactive group (LTT positive)
                                                                  saw a significant decrease in pain at 6 weeks (37.8%),
                                                                  5months (37.9%) and 1-year (45.3%) post-revision (p <
 Per 1000 patients treated with rivaroxaban instead of
 Introduction  dabigatran 13 more had no symptomatic VTE and 17   Introduction  0.001).  [1]
 more experienced no bleeding.  [2]
 Direct  oral  anticoagulants  (DOACs)  have  promised   Metal cutaneous sensitivity is seen in 10-15% of the   8
 superior efficacy to low molecular weight heparins in   Evidence-based  recommendation  from  NICE  favors   population causing painful joint replacement.   [1]  6
 the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in   rivaroxaban  for  the  prevention  of  venous   4
 total hip and knee arthroplasty.   [1]  thromboembolism in adults having elective total hip   Commonly implicated metals are nickel, cobalt, and   Pain score
 or knee replacement surgery.   [3]  chromium, all of which are commonly found in the   2
 However,  there  is  a  lack  of  data  comparing  the   majority of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) implants.    0
 different DOACs.  [1]
 Conclusion  Pathogenesis                                                  At the time  revision 1  revision 2  revision 3
                                                                           of surgery
 Comparing the DOACs  Rivaroxaban has superior efficacy in VTE prevention   A  type  IV  T-cell-mediated,  or  delayed  type,   Figure 1- Improvement in pain scores in reactive metal-LTT group
                                                                                       after revision TKA  [1]
 over apixaban and dabigatran, whilst no significant   hypersensitivity reaction is seen.  [1]
 A  study  demonstrated  the  clinical  efficacy  of   difference is observed in major bleeding with any of
 rivaroxaban,  dabigatran,  and  apixaban  in  VTE   these agents.  The metal particles act as antigens to cross-react with   Walking function, and range of motion also
 prophylaxis and primary safety outcomes.  [1]  proteins  triggering  an  immune  response  from  the   improve significantly with revision surgery to
       local tissues.   [1]
 References                                                          a hypoallergic implant.  [1]
 Rivaroxaban  had  a  statistically  significant  superior
 efficacy  for  overall  VTE  prevention  (0.8%  vs  2.6%)   1.  Highcock, A. J., As-Sultany, M., Finley, R., & Donnachie, N. J.   Diagnosis
 compared with dabigatran (P < .01) and apixaban (P   (2020). A prospective cohort comparative study of rivaroxaban,   Improvements in pain and range of motion
 <.01).   [1]  dabigatran  and  apixaban  oral  thromboprophylaxis  in  2431  hip   following synovectomy, revision of the
 and knee arthroplasty patients: Primary efficacy outcomes and   Dermal patch testing -Patient’s skin is exposed to a   polyethylene insert and anti-anaphylactic
 Superior efficacy of rivaroxaban was also established   safety   profile.   The   Journal   of   arthroplasty.   variety   of   antigens   to  [1]  detect   delayed   treatment was also reported  [2]
 for  the  prevention  of  deep  vein  thrombosis   doi:10.1016/j.arth.2020.06.032   hypersensitivity-type reaction.
 prevention (0.3% vs 2.2%) over dabigatran (P < .01).  [1]  2.   Trkulja  V,  Kolundzic  R.  Rivaroxaban  vs  dabigatran  for   Leukocyte  migration  inhibition  test  (LMIT)  -
 thromboprophylaxis   after   joint-replacement   surgery:   Measures  the  limitation  of  leukocyte  migration  by   Conclusion/ clinical implication
 The overall rate of major bleeding was 1.2% with no   exploratory  indirect  comparison  based  on  meta-analysis  of   detecting leukocyte migration inhibition factor  [2]
 significant difference observed among the 3 studied   pivotal  clinical  trials.  Croat  Med  J.  2010;51(2):113-123.   Proper management of a painful TKA with positive
 drugs.   [1]  doi:10.3325/cmj.2010.51.113  Metal  lymphocyte  transformation  test  (LTT)  -   LTT  test  will  help  patients  dissatisfied  with  their
       Measures the proliferation of lymphocytes activated        surgeries  and  provide  a  solution  for  their
 3.   National  Institute  of  Clinical  Excellence.  NICE  clinical   unexplained pain.  [1]
 Primary outcome efficacy data for each DOAC agent.  [1]  guidelines  170:  Rivaroxaban  for  the  prevention  of  venous   by  metal  ions  and  indicates  the  cellular  immune
 thromboembolism  after  total  hip  or  total  knee  replacement  in   function.    Pre-testing  patients  for  metal  sensitivity  can  detect
 adults.; 2012.
 Rivaroxaban  Dabigatran  Apixaban
 Event                                                            patients  at  risk  for  developing  allergy  to  metal
 (n = 800)  (n = 911)  (n = 720)
       Management                                                 implant  and  avoid  the  morbidity  of  subsequent
 Primary end point                                                revision surgeries.   [1]
     VTE  6 (0.8)  27 (3.0)  15 (2.1)  In  patients  with  known  metal  sensitivity,  primary
       TKA  should  be  performed  with  hypoallergenic
         DVT  2 (0.3)  20 (2.2)  6 (0.8)
       components to avoid future complications of metal
         PE  4 (0.5)  7 (0.8)  9 (1.3)                            References
       hypersensitivity.  [1]
     Bleeding  11 (1.4)  11 (1.2)  6 (0.8)                        1.  Zondervan,  R.L.,  Vaux,  J.J.,  Blackmer,  M.J.  et  al.  Improved
       A  revision  to  a  hypoallergenic  component  is          outcomes  in  patients  with  positive  metal  sensitivity  following
                                                                  revision total knee arthroplasty. J Orthop Surg Res 14, 182 (2019).
       recommended for patients presenting with a painful
       TKA and positive metal LTT sensitivity.   [1]              2.  Bao  W,  He  Y,  Fan  Y,  Liao  Y.  Metal  allergy  in  total-joint
                                                                  arthroplasty:  Case  report  and  literature  review.  Medicine
                                                                  (Baltimore). 2018;97(38):e12475.
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